Section 4302. Object of institution  

Latest version.
  • The primary object of the school shall
      be,  to  furnish  to  the  blind  children  of  the state the best known
      facilities for acquiring a thorough education, and to train them in some
      useful profession or manual art, by means of which they may  be  enabled
      to  contribute to their own support after leaving the school; but it may
      likewise, through its industrial department, provide such of  them  with
      appropriate  employment  and  boarding accommodations as find themselves
      unable, after completing their course of instruction  and  training,  to
      procure  these  elsewhere  for themselves.   It shall, however, be in no
      sense an asylum for those  who  are  helpless  from  age,  infirmity  or
      otherwise, or a hospital for the treatment of blindness.