Section 3028-C. Protection of school employees who report acts of violence and weapons possession  

Latest version.
  • Any school employee having reasonable  cause  to  suspect  that  a  person has committed an act of violence while in or on
      school property, or having reasonable cause to suspect that a person has
      committed an  act  of  violence  upon  a  student,  school  employee  or
      volunteer  either upon school grounds or elsewhere, or having reasonable
      cause to suspect that a person has brought a gun, knife, bomb  or  other
      instrument  capable  of  or  that  appears  capable  of causing death or
      physical injury upon school grounds  who  in  good  faith  reports  such
      information  to  school  officials,  to  the  commissioner,  or  to  law
      enforcement authorities, shall have immunity from  any  civil  liability
      that may arise from the making of such report, and no school district or
      school  district  employee  shall  take,  request or cause a retaliatory
      action against any such employee who makes such report.