Section 3004-A. National board for professional teaching standards certification grant program  

Latest version.
  • 1.  Notwithstanding   any   inconsistent  provision  of  law,  the commissioner shall establish the Albert Shanker
      national board for professional teaching standards  certification  grant
      program, to be used by the department to defray any costs incurred by an
      eligible  teacher,  as that term is described in subdivision two of this
      section and his or her sponsoring school district, where  such  eligible
      teacher  seeks  national board certification from the national board for
      professional teacher standards.
        2. As used in this section, "eligible teacher" shall mean a  New  York
      state tenured public school teacher who:
        (a) is currently teaching in New York state;
        (b) has graduated from an accredited college or university; and
        (c) holds a valid New York state teaching certificate.
        3.  Under  the  provisions  of  this section and subject to the filing
      requirement described in subdivision four of this section, a grant in an
      amount of up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) shall be made
      available from  the  Albert  Shanker  national  board  for  professional
      teaching  standards certification grant program to each eligible teacher
      to defray the expenses  of  certification  by  the  national  board  for
      professional  teaching  standards.  Such  sum  may  include  the  direct
      reimbursement by the department to  the  eligible  teacher's  sponsoring
      school district from the total grant award to cover the cost of hiring a
      substitute teacher for up to three days or the duration of such eligible
      teacher's approved leave, whichever is less.
        4.   The  commissioner  shall  be  responsible  for  promulgating  any
      regulations necessary to effectuate  the  provisions  of  this  section,
        (a)  establishing within the department an application form and filing
      deadline requirements to be utilized by eligible teachers  applying  for
      the  Albert  Shanker  national board for professional teaching standards
      grant program;
        (b) establishing a mechanism for processing and approving applications
      within the department;
        (c) establishing a mechanism to  allocate  grant  awards  to  approved
      eligible teachers; and
        (d)  establishing a mechanism to reimburse sponsoring school districts
      for up to three days of approved leave as described in subdivision three
      of this section.
        5. An eligible teacher for whom the state  pays  a  participation  fee
      shall  be  liable  for  repayment of the grant to the department if such
      eligible teacher:
        (a) does not complete the process; or
        (b) completes the process, but does not teach  in  a  New  York  state
      public  school for at least one full year after achieving national board
      for professional teaching standards certification.
        6. Repayment of the grant is not required:
        (a) if the certification process is not completed or if  the  eligible
      teacher  fails to teach for one full year after completion due to his or
      her death or disability or some other extenuating circumstances  as  may
      be recognized by the board of regents; or
        (b) if the eligible teacher completes the process but does not achieve