Section 2587. Tenure in fashion institute of technology  

Latest version.
  • 1. The following
      words and phrases, as hereinafter used, and for  the  purposes  of  this
      section, shall have the following meanings:
        a.  "Community  college" shall mean fashion institute of technology, a
      community college sponsored by the board of education of the city of New
        b. "Board" shall mean the board of trustees of  fashion  institute  of
        c.  "Instructional  staff"  shall  mean  the  persons  employed in the
      community  college  in  the  positions  of  president,  dean,  director,
      assistant  dean, assistant director, chairman of department or division,
      senior instructor,  instructor,  lecturer,  college  registrar,  college
      bursar,   laboratory   technician,   college  administrative  assistant,
      instructor technologist, college librarian, assistant librarian;  or  in
      any position which the board in its discretion may add thereto.
        d.  "Tenure"  shall  mean  the  right of a person to hold his position
      during good behavior and efficient and competent service, and not to  be
      removed therefrom except for cause in the manner hereinafter provided.
        2.  All  members  of  the  permanent  instructional  staff  under  the
      jurisdiction of the board shall have tenure.
        3. The permanent instructional staff shall consist of:
        a. All persons employed on an annual salary  basis  in  the  community
      college  in  the  positions  of  senior instructor, librarian, assistant
      librarian, college registrar, college bursar or  college  administrative
      assistant,  who,  on  the  date  on  which  this section is enacted, are
      serving in any of the positions enumerated in this  paragraph  and  have
      completed  at  least  four full years of continuous service on an annual
      salary from the date of  their  appointment  to  any  of  the  positions
      enumerated  in this paragraph, or who have so served at least three full
      years and have been appointed for a fourth full year.
        b. All other persons  employed  on  an  annual  salary  basis  in  the
      community  college  in  the  positions  of senior instructor, librarian,
      assistant  librarian,  college  registrar,   college   bursar,   college
      administrative assistant, or in any position hereafter created which the
      board  in  its discretion may designate as a tenure position, who, after
      serving on an annual salary  in  any  of  the  positions  enumerated  or
      provided  for  in this paragraph for three full years continuously, have
      been appointed or shall be appointed for a fourth full year,  except  as
      provided   in  subdivision  four  of  this  section,  provided  that  in
      determining the  tenure  rights  of  such  persons  time  served  as  an
      instructor shall be counted.
        c. Any regularly appointed member of the teaching or supervising staff
      of  the  board  of education of the city of New York who, on the date on
      which this section is enacted, is serving in the  community  college  in
      the  position  of  senior  instructor,  librarian,  assistant librarian,
      college registrar, college bursar or college  administrative  assistant,
      pursuant  to an assignment by the superintendent of schools of the board
      of education of the city of New York, and has or thereafter  shall  have
      completed three full years of continuous service in any of the positions
      enumerated in this paragraph, or in any position hereafter created which
      the  board  may  designate  as  a  tenure position, shall be entitled to
      become a member of the permanent instructional staff  of  the  community
      college  with  tenure in the position in which he is then serving in the
      community college providing such person, within three months after  such
      completion  of  three full years of continuous service, shall notify the
      president of the community college in writing of his election to  become
      a  member  of the permanent instructional staff of the community college
      with tenure in the position in which he is then serving in the community
      college, and provided further that such person  shall  within  the  same
      period resign from his position in the board of education of the city of
      New York. Such person shall have the absolute right, notwithstanding his
      election  to become a member of the permanent instructional staff of the
      community college with tenure, to continue as a member of the retirement
      system of which he was a member  immediately  prior  to  such  election,
      without  any  loss  or diminution in his rights, status or privileges in
      such retirement system. Any regular license issued by the superintendent
      of schools of the board of education of the city of New  York,  held  by
      such  person  at the time he becomes entitled to tenure in the community
      college shall continue to be valid during his continuance of service  in
      the community college.
        4.  Nothing  herein  contained  shall  be  construed  as conferring or
      permitting tenure, or service credit toward the achievement  of  tenure,
      in  the positions of president, dean, director, assistant dean, chairman
      of department or division, or assistant director. Appointments  to  such
      position  or removal therefrom, however, shall not deprive the person so
      appointed or removed of tenure in highest position on the  instructional
      staff  held  with  tenure  prior  to  his  appointment to such office or
      conjointly with such office, nor shall such appointment or  the  holding
      of  such  position  or  removal from such position deprive any person of
      service credit toward the achievement of tenure under the provisions  of
      this section.
        5. A certificate of permanent tenure shall be issued by the board upon
      the  enactment  of  this  section  to  each  person then employed in the
      community college who, on or prior to the date of such enactment,  shall
      have  satisfied the requirements for entitlement to tenure prescribed by
      this section. In the case of any person now or hereafter employed in the
      community college, who, after such date  of  enactment,  satisfies  such
      requirements  for  entitlement  to  tenure,  a  certificate of permanent
      tenure shall be issued by the board to such person, upon the  completion
      by such person of such requirements.
        6. For the purpose of appointments and promotions in the instructional
      staff which may be made after the date on which this section is enacted,
      the board shall determine to what extent examinations are practicable to
      ascertain  merit  and  fitness  for  each  of  the  positions  under its
      jurisdiction, and, insofar as examinations are deemed practicable, shall
      determine to what extent it is practicable, that  such  examinations  be
      competitive.  Any  examination held in accordance with the provisions of
      this subdivision shall be set and administered through any agency  which
      the  board may from time to time create or designate. The superintendent
      of schools of the board of education of the city of New York  may,  upon
      the  request  of  the  president  of  the  community college, direct the
      medical board of the board of education of  the  city  of  New  York  to
      render  such  service  as  the  president  of  the community college may
      request to assist the board and the president of the  community  college
      in the ascertainment of merit and fitness for appointment to or relative
      to service in instructional positions in the community college.
        7.  Neither  tenure as conferred through the operation of this section
      nor the period requisite for the achievement of tenure shall be affected
      by transfer within the community college, or by promotion, or by  change
      of title, except that a person upon whom tenure is conferred through the
      operation  of this section and who may be transferred to any position in
      the community college, or who may be promoted, or  whose  title  may  be
      changed,  shall  have tenure in his new position, provided such position
      is not one of those enumerated in  subdivision  four  of  this  section.
      Nothing  herein  contained  shall be construed to prevent the board from
      assigning any person having tenure to any appropriate  position  on  the
      staff, but no such assignment shall carry with it a reduction in rank or
      a  reduction  in  salary  other  than  the elimination of any additional
      emolument provided for administrative positions.
        8.  A  position held by a person upon whom tenure is conferred through
      the operation of this section may be abolished or  discontinued  by  the
      board  for  reasons  which  are  not discriminatory against a particular
      person or persons. In the event that a position in a  specified  subject
      is  to  be abolished or discontinued, such position shall be that of the
      person last appointed to such  position;  provided,  however,  that  all
      persons  in  such  position  upon  whom  tenure  is not conferred by the
      operation of this section shall be dismissed before the position of  any
      other  person in such subject is abolished or discontinued. If the board
      abolishes or discontinues the position of a person upon whom  tenure  is
      conferred through the operation of this section and can find no position
      in  the community college which can be efficiently and capably filled by
      such person, then his name shall be placed and shall  remain  for  three
      years  on  a  preferred eligible list of candidates for reappointment to
      fill a vacancy that may thereafter occur in  a  position  which  can  be
      efficiently and capably filled by such person or to fill a newly created
      position  which  can  be  efficiently and capably filled by such person.
      Reappointment from such preferred eligible  list  to  a  position  in  a
      specified subject shall be made in the order of the original appointment
      of  the  persons on such preferred eligible list. Any person reappointed
      from such preferred eligible list shall be reappointed at a  salary  not
      less than that which he was receiving when his position was abolished or
      discontinued. Any person whose name is placed on such preferred eligible
      list  as hereinbefore provided shall, for the purpose of maintaining his
      status in any retirement system of which he is a member, be deemed to be
      on leave of absence without pay.
        9. Persons granted tenure under the provisions of this  section  shall
      not  be removed except for cause, after a hearing and by a majority vote
      of the board. Charges against a person  entitled  to  tenure  under  the
      provisions of this section may be preferred by the president, any member
      or  members  of  the  board,  or  the board itself. Such charges and all
      specifications of such charges shall be  filed  with  the  board,  which
      shall  cause  a  copy  thereof to be served upon the person accused, and
      such person shall have ten days from the date of  the  service  of  such
      charges  and  specifications,  or such additional time as may be granted
      him by the chairman of the board, in which to file an answer in  writing
      with  the  board. Any person against whom charges as herein provided are
      filed with the board, may be  suspended  with  or  without  pay  by  the
      president  pending  a  final determination of such charges by the board.
      The board shall proceed to try and determine such charges either by  the
      board,  or by a trial committee consisting of one or more members of the
      board, or by a  trial  committee  consisting  of  one  or  more  persons
      specially  appointed  for such purpose by the board, and the board shall
      fix the penalty or punishment, if any, to be imposed  for  the  offense,
      and  such  penalty  or  punishment  may  consist of a reprimand, a fine,
      suspension for  a  fixed  time  without  pay,  or  dismissal;  provided,
      however, that a vote of a majority of all the members of the board shall
      be  necessary to impose a penalty or punishment. The report of any trial
      committee holding such trial shall be subject to  final  action  by  the
      board,  each  member of which shall before voting read the testimony and
      the evidence in the case. The board may reject, confirm  or  modify  the
      conclusions of the trial committee, and the decisions of the board shall
      be  final, except that any person aggrieved may review the determination
      of said board only by an appeal to the  commissioner  of  education,  as
      provided  for  by  article  seven  of  this chapter. In case the charges
      preferred against any person are dismissed, he shall be restored to  his
      position  with  full pay for the period of his suspension. In all trials
      and investigations authorized by this section all testimony taken  shall
      be  under  oath,  which the chairman of the board or the chairman of the
      trial committee is hereby authorized to administer. For the  purpose  of
      any  investigation,  trial  or hearing, the chairman of the board or the
      chairman of the trial committee shall have power to subpoena  witnesses,
      papers  and  records.  The  Supreme  Court  shall  have  power, upon the
      application of the chairman of the board or the chairman  of  the  trial
      committee,  to  compel  any  witness  who may be summoned, to appear and
      testify before said board or trial committee.