Section 372. Purposes of fund  

Latest version.
  • The purposes of the fund shall be to provide
      academic buildings, dormitories and other facilities including  academic
      incubator  facilities  and  a pharmaceutical research, development which
      may  also  include  a  manufacturing  facility  for  the  state-operated
      institutions  and contract and statutory colleges under the jurisdiction
      of the state university, to reduce the time lag between determination of
      need for such facilities and actual occupancy thereof, to  expedite  the
      construction, acquisition, reconstruction, rehabilitation or improvement
      of  such  facilities  and  to  assure  that  the  same are ready for the
      purposes intended when needed and  when  scheduled  under  the  approved
      master  plan of the state university; with respect to university-related
      economic development projects authorized  by  law  pursuant  to  section
      three  hundred  seventy-two-a  of  this article, to act as agent for the
      state university or for a  foundation  or  other  not-for-profit  entity
      created  by  or  for  the  state  university.  In  addition to any other
      approval or permit  otherwise  required  by  law,  the  fund  shall  not
      construct  any  new  project  or  facility  on  a  campus  of  the state
      university unless the said project or facility has been approved by  the
      state  university  trustees  and  has  been  specifically  and expressly
      authorized by such section.