Section 805. Enforcement  

Latest version.
  • 1. On satisfactory evidence that any teacher has
      wilfully refused to teach such subjects, as provided  in  section  eight
      hundred  four, the commissioner of education shall revoke the license of
      such teacher.
        2.  No  public  money  of  the  state  shall  be  apportioned  by  the
      commissioner  of  education  or  paid for the benefit of any city school
      district of a city having one hundred twenty-five  thousand  inhabitants
      or  more according to the latest federal census until the superintendent
      of schools therein shall have filed with the treasurer or chamberlain of
      such city an  affidavit,  and  with  the  commissioner  of  education  a
      duplicate  of such affidavit, that he has made thorough investigation as
      to the facts, and that to the best of  his  knowledge,  information  and
      belief,  all  the  provisions  of  section  eight hundred four have been
      complied with in all the schools under his supervision in such  district
      during the last preceding legal school year.
        3.  No  public  money  of  the  state  shall  be  apportioned  by  the
      commissioner of education or by district superintendents,  or  paid  for
      the  benefit  of any school district, including city school districts of
      cities having less than one  hundred  twenty-five  thousand  inhabitants
      according to the latest federal census, until the president of the board
      of  education,  or in the case of common school districts the trustee or
      any member of the board of trustees, shall have filed with the  district
      superintendent having jurisdiction or, in the case of such a city school
      district,  or  other  district having its own superintendent of schools,
      with the commissioner  of  education  an  affidavit  that  he  has  made
      thorough  investigation  as  to  the  facts  and that to the best of his
      knowledge, information and belief, all the provisions of  section  eight
      hundred  four  have been complied with in such district, which affidavit
      shall be included in the trustees' annual report.
        4. It shall be the duty of every district superintendent to file  with
      the commissioner of education an affidavit in connection with his annual
      report,  showing  all  districts in his jurisdiction that have and those
      that have not complied with all the provisions of section eight  hundred
      four,  according  to  the best of his knowledge, information and belief,
      based upon a thorough investigation by him as to the facts.
        5. No public money of the state shall be apportioned or paid  for  the
      benefit  of  any  school  mentioned  herein  until  the  officer  having
      jurisdiction  or  supervision  thereof  shall  have   filed   with   the
      commissioner  of  education  an  affidavit  that  he  has  made thorough
      investigation as to the facts and that to the  best  of  his  knowledge,
      information and belief, all the provisions of section eight hundred four
      relative thereto have been complied with.
        6.  The principal of each state teachers college and state college for
      teachers in the state shall at the close of each school year  file  with
      the  commissioner  of  education an affidavit that all the provisions of
      section eight hundred four applicable thereto have  been  complied  with
      during the school year just terminated and until such affidavit shall be
      filed  no  warrant  shall be issued by the commissioner of education for
      the payment by the treasurer of any part of the money  appropriated  for
      such school.
        7.  It  shall  be the duty of the commissioner of education to provide
      blank forms of affidavit required herein for use  by  the  local  school
      officers,  and he shall include in his annual report a statement showing
      every school district which has failed to comply with all the provisions
      of section eight hundred four during the preceding school year.
        8. On complaint by appeal to the  commissioner  of  education  by  any
      patron  of the schools mentioned in section eight hundred four or by any
      citizen that any provision of such section has not been complied with in
      any city or district, the commissioner of education shall make immediate
      investigation, and  on  satisfactory  evidence  of  the  truth  of  such
      complaint,  shall  thereupon and thereafter withhold all public money of
      the  state  to  which such city or district would otherwise be entitled,
      until all the provisions of such section shall be complied with in  said
      city or district.