Section 503. Membership of system  

Latest version.
  • 1.  The  membership  of the retirement
      system shall consist of the following:
        a. All teachers who were teachers  on  or  before  the  first  day  of
      August,  nineteen hundred twenty-one, who shall file with the retirement
      board applications for membership, except  those  specifically  excluded
      under subdivision four of this section.
        b.  All  teachers  who were not teachers on or before the first day of
      August, nineteen hundred twenty-one, except those specifically  excluded
      under subdivision four of this section.
        2.  The  retirement  board  may,  in its discretion, deny the right to
      become members to any class  of  teachers  whose  compensation  is  only
      partly  paid  by  the  employer or who are serving on a temporary or any
      other than a per annum basis, and it may also, in its  discretion,  make
      optional  with  members in any such class their individual entrance into
        3. The membership of any person in the retirement system  shall  cease
      when  seven years have elapsed since the member has performed service as
      a teacher which was credited with  the  system  except  as  provided  in
      section five hundred twelve-a of this article, or upon the withdrawal by
      a  contributor  of  his  accumulated  contributions  as provided in this
      article, or upon retirement on a pension, or at death, except  that  the
      membership  of  a teacher, who has not withdrawn his contributions shall
      not be cancelled if he (a) has not had sufficient service to be eligible
      for disability  retirement,  and  proves  to  the  satisfaction  of  the
      retirement  board  that  absence  from  service  was  caused by personal
      illness  constituting  disability  or  (b)  is  eligible  to  receive  a
      retirement allowance from the system for other than disability.
        4.  Teachers who are members or who become members of a local district
      pension  system  maintained  under  the   laws   of   the   state   from
      appropriations  or  contributions  made  wholly or partly by an employer
      shall be excluded from membership in this retirement system.
        5. A retired teacher receiving a retirement allowance for  other  than
      disability may return to active public service. Any such retired teacher
      returning  to  active  service  shall  immediately notify the retirement
      board of his intention. Except as otherwise  provided  in  sections  two
      hundred  eleven  and  two  hundred  twelve  of the retirement and social
      security law and section one hundred fifty of the civil service law, his
      retirement allowance shall be suspended during the time he is in  active
      service.  If  such  teacher  has  not  elected  an optional benefit, the
      payments of his annuity so  suspended  shall  be  held  in  the  annuity
      reserve  fund  at  regular  interest,  and  upon  the  resumption of his
      retirement  allowance  after  again  leaving  the  active  service  such
      accumulated  amounts  shall be applied to increase the annuity otherwise
      payable to him or in the event of his death while in active service such
      accumulated amounts shall be paid to his estate or  to  such  person  as
      last  designated as the beneficiary of his accumulated contributions. If
      such teacher has elected an optional benefit and dies  while  in  active
      service, the optional benefit in respect of his annuity shall be payable
      as  if  no annuity payments had been suspended, but the optional benefit
      in respect of his  pension  shall  not  be  payable  in  excess  of  the
      proportion  that the cost of such optional pension, when measured by the
      difference between his pension without  optional  modification  and  the
      optional  pension,  is  currently  covered  by the amount of the annuity
      payments suspended while he is in active service, which difference shall
      be paid during the period of his active service from the annuity reserve
      fund to the fund from which his pension was payable. If,  however,  such
      full  cost of the optional pension is greater than the suspended annuity
      payments, the teacher may elect upon returning to active service to  pay
      the  amount  of  such difference directly to the retirement system to be
      credited to the fund from which his pension was payable, and subject  to
      such  payments  monthly in advance, or at such other intervals as may be
      agreed  upon  with the retirement board, the optional benefit in respect
      of the pension shall be payable in the event the teacher dies  while  in
      active  service,  as  if  no pension payments had been suspended. If the
      suspended annuity payments are  greater  than  such  full  cost  of  the
      optional pension, the amount of such difference shall be held at regular
      interest  in  the  annuity  reserve fund, and upon the resumption of his
      retirement allowance after again leaving active service such accumulated
      amounts shall be applied to increase the annuity  otherwise  payable  to
      him,  or  in  the  event  of  his  death  while  in  active service such
      accumulated amounts shall be paid to his estate or  to  the  beneficiary
      nominated under the option.
        6.  Credit  for  service  in  war  after world war I, which shall mean
      military service during the period commencing the  first  day  of  July,
      nineteen  hundred  forty,  and  terminating  the  thirtieth day of June,
      nineteen hundred  forty-seven,  or  during  the  period  commencing  the
      twenty-seventh  day of June, nineteen hundred fifty, and terminating the
      thirty-first day of January, nineteen hundred fifty-five, or during both
      such periods, as a member of the armed forces of the United  States,  of
      any person who has been honorably discharged or released under honorable
      circumstances  from  such service, or service by one who was employed by
      the War Shipping Administration or Office of Defense  Transportation  or
      their  agents as a merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast
      Guard or Department of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed  by  the
      United  States  Army Transport Service (later redesignated as the United
      States  Army  Transportation  Corps,  Water  Division)  or   the   Naval
      Transportation  Service;  and who served satisfactorily as a crew member
      during the period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen  hundred
      forty-one,  to  August  fifteenth,  nineteen  hundred forty-five, aboard
      merchant  vessels  in  oceangoing,  i.e.,  foreign,   intercoastal,   or
      coastwise  service  as such terms are defined under federal law (46 USCA
      10301&10501) and further to include "near foreign" voyages between the
      United States and Canada, Mexico, or the West Indies via  ocean  routes,
      or  public  vessels  in oceangoing service or foreign waters and who has
      received a Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active  Duty  and  a
      discharge  certificate,  or  an  Honorable Service Certificate/Report of
      Casualty, from the Department of Defense  or  who  served  as  a  United
      States  civilian  employed  by  the  American  Field  Service and served
      overseas under United States Armies and United  States  Army  Groups  in
      world  war  II  during  the  period of armed conflict, December seventh,
      nineteen  hundred  forty-one  through  May  eighth,   nineteen   hundred
      forty-five, and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable
      conditions,  or  who  served as a United States civilian Flight Crew and
      Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World Airways or one of
      its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as  a  result  of
      Pan  American's  contract  with  Air  Transport  Command  or  Naval  Air
      Transport  Service  during  the  period  of  armed  conflict,   December
      fourteenth,   nineteen  hundred  forty-one  through  August  fourteenth,
      nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  and  who  was  discharged  or   released
      therefrom  under  honorable  conditions,  and  who  was a teacher in the
      public schools of this state at the time of his entrance into the  armed
      forces of the United States, provided no compensation was received under
      the provisions of section two hundred forty-two of the military law, and
      who returned to public school teaching following discharge or completion
      of  advanced  education  provided under servicemen's readjustment act of
      nineteen hundred forty-four, or who following such discharge or  release
      entered  into  a  service  which  would  qualify him pursuant to section
      forty-three of the retirement and social security law  to  transfer  his
      membership  in  the New York state teachers' retirement system, shall be
      provided  as  follows, any provisions of section two hundred forty-three
      of the military law to the contrary notwithstanding.
        (a) Service in war after world war I as defined  in  this  subdivision
      shall  be  deemed to be service for all purposes of the retirement fund,
      provided claim for such service shall be filed by the  member  with  the
      retirement  board  within  two  years  following  his  return  to active
      teaching service or the entry of the member into a service  which  would
      qualify  him  pursuant to section fifty-nine of the civil service law to
      transfer his membership to  the  New  York  city  employees'  retirement
      system  or  to  the  New  York state employees' retirement system or the
      fifteenth day of  April,  nineteen  hundred  sixty-seven,  whichever  is
        (b)  For  the purposes of computing final average salary, compensation
      during any period of service in war after world war I shall be deemed to
      have been at the member's rate of  compensation  in  effect  immediately
      prior  to  such  period, or based on additional increments due him if he
      had continued teaching.
        (c) Contributions paid by any member under the provisions  of  section
      two  hundred  forty-three of the military law shall be refunded directly
      to the member and the corresponding contribution paid  by  the  district
      shall also be returned directly to the district.
        (d) On the retirement of a member with credit for service in war after
      world  war  I as defined in this subdivision, there shall be transferred
      from the pension accumulation fund to the annuity  reserve  fund  a  sum
      equivalent  to  the  contributions  the  member  would  have made to the
      annuity savings fund had he contributed during his period of service  in
      war  after  world  war I at the rate in effect immediately prior to such
      period, or  on  additional  increments  due  him  if  he  had  continued
      teaching,  with  interest to the date of retirement, which amounts shall
      be used to provide an annuity for him.
        (e) In addition to the contributions  required  of  employers  to  the
      retirement  system  as  otherwise  provided,  there  shall  be  paid  an
      additional contribution to the pension accumulation fund  to  cover  the
      cost  of  the  additional  benefits  covered  by  this  subdivision. The
      additional contributions shall be collected by  increasing  the  regular
      contributions of the employers in the same proportion as the liabilities
      of  the  pension accumulation fund are increased by the adoption of this
        7. A teacher, who  was  a  member  of  the  New  York  state  teachers
      retirement   system  but  who  withdrew  his  accumulated  contributions
      immediately prior to his entry into, or during his service in the  armed
      forces  of  the  United  States  in  war after World War I, who has been
      honorably discharged or released from service, provided no  compensation
      was  received  under  the provisions of section two hundred forty-two of
      the military law, and who returned to  public  school  teaching  in  the
      state  of  New  York  following  such discharge or release, or following
      completion   of   advanced   education   provided   under   servicemen's
      readjustment  act  of  nineteen  hundred  forty-four,  any provisions of
      section two hundred forty-three of the  military  law  to  the  contrary
      notwithstanding,  will  be  entitled  to credit for service in war after
      World War I, cost free, provided, however, that such credit will not  be
      allowed until he claims and pays for all prior teaching service credited
      to  him  at  the  time  of his termination of membership in the New York
      state teachers retirement system, and provided further  that  claim  for
      such  service in war after World War I shall be filed by the member with
      the retirement board before the first  day  of  July,  nineteen  hundred
        8.  A  teacher  who  had  been granted credit for service in war after
      world war I as provided in this section and whose membership in the  New
      York  state  teachers retirement system subsequently ceased by reason of
      withdrawal of his accumulated contributions will, upon rejoining the New
      York state teachers retirement system, be entitled to  the  same  credit
      for  service  in  war after world war I, cost free, that he was credited
      with upon termination of his membership in the New York  state  teachers
      retirement  system,  provided,  however,  that  such  credit will not be
      allowed until he claims and pays for all prior teaching service credited
      to him at the time of his termination of  membership  in  the  New  York
      state teachers retirement system.
        9.  Credit  for  emergency service on or after October first, nineteen
      hundred sixty-one, shall mean active duty (other than for  training)  in
      the  armed  forces  of  the United States as defined in title ten of the
      United States code on or after October first, nineteen hundred sixty-one
      and terminating on June thirtieth, nineteen hundred  sixty-three  or  on
      the  date  that  no  reserve  component unit originally ordered into the
      active service of the United States from the state on or  after  October
      first,  nineteen  hundred  sixty-one  remains  on  such  active service,
      whichever sooner occurs, of any person who:
        a. was a teacher in the public schools of this state at  the  time  of
      his entrance into such armed forces,
        b.  was a member of the New York state teachers' retirement system and
      an employee of the state or of an employer at the time he  entered  such
      armed forces,
        c.   has   been  honorably  discharged  or  released  under  honorable
      circumstances from such service, and
        d. returned to  public  school  teaching  within  one  year  following
      discharge  or  release,  or completion of advanced education provided by
      the United States for education of  Korean  conflict  veterans,  or  who
      following  such  discharge or release entered into a service which would
      qualify him, pursuant to  section  forty-three  of  the  retirement  and
      social  security  law,  to transfer his membership in the New York state
      teachers retirement system. Such service shall not include  any  periods
      during  which  compensation  was  received  by  the  member  for accrued
      vacation and overtime credit or under  the  provisions  of  section  two
      hundred  forty-two  of  the  military  law or section six of chapter six
      hundred eight of the laws of nineteen hundred fifty-two.
        Emergency  service  on  or  after  October  first,  nineteen   hundred
      sixty-one,  shall  for the purposes of this article be deemed credit for
      service in war after world war I.
        10. Credit for certain World War II service. a. In addition to  credit
      for  military service pursuant to section two hundred forty-three of the
      military law and subdivisions six through nine of this section, a member
      employed as a full-time teacher by an employer as defined in subdivision
      three of section five hundred one of the education law  and  who  joined
      the   retirement   system   prior   to   July  first,  nineteen  hundred
      seventy-three, may obtain credit for military service not in  excess  of
      three  years  and  not  otherwise  creditable  under section two hundred
      forty-three of the military law and subdivisions  six  through  nine  of
      this  section, rendered on active duty in the armed forces of the United
      States during the period commencing July first, nineteen hundred  forty,
      and terminating December thirty-first, nineteen hundred forty-six, or on
      service  by  one  who was employed by the War Shipping Administration or
      Office of Defense Transportation or their agents as  a  merchant  seaman
      documented  by  the United States Coast Guard or Department of Commerce,
      or as a civil servant employed  by  the  United  States  Army  Transport
      Service  (later  redesignated  as  the United States Army Transportation
      Corps, Water Division) or the  Naval  Transportation  Service;  and  who
      served  satisfactorily  as  a  crew  member  during  the period of armed
      conflict,  December  seventh,  nineteen  hundred  forty-one,  to  August
      fifteenth,  nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  aboard  merchant  vessels in
      oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise  service  as  such
      terms  are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301&10501) and further
      to include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and  Canada,
      Mexico,  or  the  West  Indies  via  ocean  routes, or public vessels in
      oceangoing service or foreign waters and who has received a  Certificate
      of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or
      an Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department
      of  Defense  or on service by one who served as a United States civilian
      employed by the American Field Service and served overseas under  United
      States  Armies  and United States Army Groups in world war II during the
      period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen  hundred  forty-one
      through  May eighth, nineteen hundred forty-five, and who was discharged
      or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or on service  by  one
      who  served  as a United States civilian Flight Crew and Aviation Ground
      Support  Employee  of  Pan  American  World  Airways  or  one   of   its
      subsidiaries  or  its  affiliates and served overseas as a result of Pan
      American's contract with Air Transport Command or  Naval  Air  Transport
      Service  during  the  period  of  armed  conflict,  December fourteenth,
      nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth,  nineteen  hundred
      forty-five, and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable
      conditions  by a person who was a resident of New York state at the time
      of entry into such service and at the time of being discharged therefrom
      under honorable circumstances, and who makes the  payments  required  in
      accordance with the provisions of this subdivision.
        However,   no   military   service  shall  be  creditable  under  this
      subdivision in the case of a member who is receiving a military  pension
      (other  than for disability) for military service in the armed forces of
      the United States.
        b. To obtain such credit a member shall: (1) deposit  in  the  annuity
      savings  fund  a  sum  equal to the product of his required contribution
      rate at time of entry into full-time New York  state  teaching  service,
      his  annual  full-time rate of compensation at that time, and the period
      of military service  being  claimed,  with  regular  interest,  and  (2)
      deposit  in  the pension accumulation fund a sum equal to the product of
      the employer's contribution rate exclusive of the rate for  supplemental
      pensions  at  the time of the member's entry into such teaching service,
      his annual full-time rate of compensation at that time, and  the  period
      of  military  service being claimed, with regular interest. Such deposit
      must  be  made  on  or  before  October  fourteenth,  nineteen   hundred
      seventy-seven,  provided, however, such member may elect to deposit such
      amount over a period of time no greater than the period for which credit
      is being claimed, in which case such payments  must  commence  no  later
      than  October  fourteenth,  nineteen  hundred seventy-seven. If the full
      amount of such payments is not paid to the retirement system at the time
      of retirement, the amount of service credited shall be  proportional  to
      the total amount of the payments made.
        c.  The  credit  for  military  service hereunder shall not be used to
      increase a service retirement benefit if, at  the  time  of  retirement,
      such  member  (1)  is  retiring from service with less than ten years of
      full-time service credit or (2) is retiring with less than  three  years
      of  member service rendered subsequent to the date that he last became a
      member of this system. Upon retirement, as  specified  in  (1)  or  (2),
      there  shall  be refunded to such member the amount of such deposit plus
      accrued interest exclusive  of  the  amount  deposited  to  the  pension
      accumulation fund attributable to death and disability benefits.
        d.  (1)  In  the case of members who have transferred into this system
      from another public retirement system within  the  state  of  New  York,
      their  rate  of contribution shall be computed as though they had been a
      member of this system from the date  of  membership  in  the  retirement
      system from which they transferred.
        (2)  Any  other  provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, the
      rate of contribution to be used  in  calculating  contributions  to  the
      annuity  savings  fund pursuant to this subdivision shall be at the rate
      of four per centum of earnable compensation for members  whose  date  of
      membership  is on or before June thirtieth, nineteen hundred forty-eight
      and at the rate of five per centum of earnable compensation for  members
      whose  date  of  membership  is on or after July first, nineteen hundred
        e. In no event shall credit be granted pursuant to this subdivision if
      credit is granted  for  the  same  period  of  time  pursuant  to  other
      provisions of law.
        f.  No  application  for  credit  pursuant  to  the provisions of this
      subdivision shall be honored  if  made  on  or  after  April  fifteenth,
      nineteen hundred seventy-seven.
        10-a.  Credit  for  certain  World  War  II service. a. In addition to
      credit for military service pursuant to section two hundred  forty-three
      of the military law and subdivisions six through nine of this section, a
      member  who  joined  the retirement system prior to July first, nineteen
      hundred seventy-three, and who was not eligible for credit for  military
      service  under subdivision ten of this section as a result of being on a
      leave of absence without pay between July  twentieth,  nineteen  hundred
      seventy-six  and October fifteenth, nineteen hundred seventy-seven or on
      leave of absence  with  less  than  full  pay  between  July  twentieth,
      nineteen  hundred  seventy-six  and  October fifteenth, nineteen hundred
      seventy-seven, may obtain credit for military service not in  excess  of
      three  years  and  not  otherwise  creditable  under section two hundred
      forty-three of the military law and subdivisions  six  through  nine  of
      this  section, rendered on active duty in the armed forces of the United
      States during the period commencing July first, nineteen hundred  forty,
      and terminating December thirty-first, nineteen hundred forty-six, or on
      service  by  one  who was employed by the War Shipping Administration or
      Office of Defense Transportation or their agents as  a  merchant  seaman
      documented  by  the United States Coast Guard or Department of Commerce,
      or as a civil servant employed  by  the  United  States  Army  Transport
      Service  (later  redesignated  as  the United States Army Transportation
      Corps, Water Division) or the  Naval  Transportation  Service;  and  who
      served  satisfactorily  as  a  crew  member  during  the period of armed
      conflict,  December  seventh,  nineteen  hundred  forty-one,  to  August
      fifteenth,  nineteen  hundred  forty-five,  aboard  merchant  vessels in
      oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise  service  as  such
      terms  are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301&10501) and further
      to include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and  Canada,
      Mexico,  or  the  West  Indies  via  ocean  routes, or public vessels in
      oceangoing service or foreign waters and who has received a  Certificate
      of Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or
      an Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department
      of  Defense, or on service by one who served as a United States civilian
      employed by the American Field Service and served overseas under  United
      States  Armies  and United States Army Groups in world war II during the
      period of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen  hundred  forty-one
      through  May eighth, nineteen hundred forty-five, and who was discharged
      or released therefrom under honorable conditions, or on service  by  one
      who  served  as a United States civilian Flight Crew and Aviation Ground
      Support   Employee   of  Pan  American  World  Airways  or  one  of  its
      subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as a  result  of  Pan
      American's  contract  with  Air Transport Command or Naval Air Transport
      Service during  the  period  of  armed  conflict,  December  fourteenth,
      nineteen  hundred  forty-one through August fourteenth, nineteen hundred
      forty-five, and who was discharged or released therefrom under honorable
      conditions by a person who was a resident of New York state at the  time
      of entry into such service and at the time of being discharged therefrom
      under  honorable  circumstances,  and who makes the payments required in
      accordance with the provisions of this subdivision.
        However,  no  military  service  shall  be   creditable   under   this
      subdivision  in the case of a member who is receiving a military pension
      (other than for disability) for military service in the armed forces  of
      the United States.
        b.  To  obtain  such credit a member shall: (1) deposit in the annuity
      savings fund a sum equal to the product  of  his  required  contribution
      rate  at  time  of entry into full-time New York state teaching service,
      his annual full-time rate of compensation at that time, and  the  period
      of  military  service  being  claimed,  with  regular  interest, and (2)
      deposit in the pension accumulation fund a sum equal to the  product  of
      the  employer's contribution rate exclusive of the rate for supplemental
      pensions at the time of the member's entry into such  teaching  service,
      his  annual  full-time rate of compensation at that time, and the period
      of military service being claimed, with regular interest.  Such  deposit
      must  be  made on or before October fourteenth, nineteen hundred eighty,
      provided, however, such member may elect to deposit such amount  over  a
      period  of  time  no  greater  than the period for which credit is being
      claimed, in which case such payments must commence no later than October
      fourteenth, nineteen hundred eighty. If the full amount of such payments
      is not paid to the retirement system at  the  time  of  retirement,  the
      amount  of service credited shall be proportional to the total amount of
      the payments made.
        c. The credit for military service hereunder  shall  not  be  used  to
      increase  a  service  retirement  benefit if, at the time of retirement,
      such member (1) is retiring from service with less  than  ten  years  of
      full-time  service  credit or (2) is retiring with less than three years
      of member service rendered subsequent to the date that he last became  a
      member  of  this  system.  Upon  retirement, as specified in (1) or (2),
      there shall be refunded to such member the amount of such  deposit  plus
      accrued  interest  exclusive  of  the  amount  deposited  to the pension
      accumulation fund attributable to death and disability benefits.
        d. (1) In the case of members who have transferred  into  this  system
      from  another  public  retirement  system  within the state of New York,
      their rate of contribution shall be computed as though they had  been  a
      member  of  this  system  from  the date of membership in the retirement
      system from which they transferred.
        (2) Any other provision of law to the  contrary  notwithstanding,  the
      rate  of  contribution  to  be  used in calculating contributions to the
      annuity savings fund pursuant to this subdivision shall be at  the  rate
      of  four  per  centum of earnable compensation for members whose date of
      membership is on or before June thirtieth, nineteen hundred  forty-eight
      and  at the rate of five per centum of earnable compensation for members
      whose date of membership is on or after  July  first,  nineteen  hundred
        e. In no event shall credit be granted pursuant to this subdivision if
      credit  is  granted  for  the  same  period  of  time  pursuant to other
      provisions of law.
        f.  No  application  for  credit  pursuant  to  the provisions of this
      subdivision shall be honored if made  on  or  after  October  fifteenth,
      nineteen hundred eighty.
        11. a. If a retired member, receiving a retirement allowance for other
      than  disability,  returns to active public service, except as otherwise
      provided in sections two hundred eleven or two  hyndred  twelve  of  the
      retirement  and  social  security law, and is eligible for membership in
      the retirement system, he  thereupon  shall  become  a  member  and  his
      retirement  allowance  shall be suspended in the same manner as provided
      in subdivision five of section five hundred three of  this  article.  In
      such event, he shall contribute to the retirement system as if he were a
      new  member.  Upon his subsequent retirement after at least two years of
      service he shall:
        1. Be credited with all member service earned by  him  since  he  last
      became a member of the retirement system, and
        2. Receive a retirement allowance which shall consist of:
        (a) An annuity as provided in subdivision five of section five hundred
      three  of this article plus an annuity which is the actuarial equivalent
      of any contributions made by him since he last became a member, and
        (b) The pension which he was receiving immediately prior to  his  last
      restoration  to  membership  as  provided in subdivision five of section
      five hundred three of this article, plus a pension based upon the member
      service credit earned by him since he last became a member. Such  latter
      pension  shall  be  computed as if he were a new member when he rejoined
      the system pursuant to the provisions of this subdivision.
        b. Where such member shall have earned at least five years  of  member
      service  credit  after  restoration to active service, the total service
      credit to which he was entitled at the time of  his  earlier  retirement
      may,  at  his  option,  again be credited to him and upon his subsequent
      retirement he shall be credited in addition for purposes of  computation
      of  the  pension  portion  of  the  retirement allowance with all member
      service earned by him subsequent to his last restoration to  membership.
      Such  total  service  credit to which he was entitled at the time of his
      earlier retirement shall be so credited only  in  the  event  that  such
      member  returns  to  the  retirement  system  with  regular interest the
      actuarial equivalent of the amount of the pension he received, or in the
      event that such amount is not so repaid the actuarial equivalent thereof
      shall be deducted from his subsequent retirement allowance.
        c. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions  of  this  subdivision,  a
      retired  member  who  is receiving a retirement allowance for other than
      physical disability, and who returns to active public service, may elect
      not to be restored to membership in the retirement system until  he  has
      rendered  one year of service following his return to public service. In
      such event his retirement allowance shall be suspended during such  year
      of service in the same manner as provided in subdivision five of section
      five  hundred  three  of  this  article.  Upon restoration to membership
      following completion of such year of service, his service in  such  year
      shall be deemed to be service while a member for purposes of subdivision
      b of section five hundred twelve of this article. He may purchase member
      service  credit  for  such  year,  which  shall  be deemed earned member
      service credit.
        d. Notwithstanding any other provision  of  this  article,  a  retired
      member  who rejoins the system under the provisions of paragraphs a or c
      of this subdivision shall only be entitled to a death benefit  according
      to  the  provisions  of  paragraph  two of subdivision b of section five
      hundred twelve of this article and of no other subdivision  thereof  and
      for  the purposes of said paragraph two of subdivision b of section five
      hundred twelve the credited service as a teacher shall be service  as  a
      teacher credited since last joining the system.