Section 482. Letting of construction contracts  

Latest version.
  • 1. Any contract let by the
      fund  or  by  any  letting  agency  on  behalf  of  the  fund  for   the
      construction,   reconstruction,   rehabilitation  or  improvement  of  a
      combined occupancy structure or of the school portion thereof, shall  be
      in  conformity  with  the  provisions  of section one hundred one of the
      general municipal law.
        2. Except as otherwise provided in section two hundred  twenty-two  of
      the  labor law, every contract, lease or other agreement entered into by
      or on behalf of the  fund  for  the  acquisition,  lease,  construction,
      reconstruction,  rehabilitation or improvement of any combined occupancy
      structure shall contain a provision that, when the entire  cost  of  any
      such   contemplated   construction,  reconstruction,  rehabilitation  or
      improvement shall exceed three million dollars in the  counties  of  the
      Bronx,  Kings,  New York, Queens, and Richmond; one million five hundred
      thousand dollars in the counties of Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester; and
      five hundred thousand dollars in all other counties  within  the  state,
      separate  specifications  shall  be  prepared  for  the  following three
      subdivisions of the work to be performed:
        a. Plumbing and gas fitting;
        b. Steam heating, hot water heating, ventilating and air  conditioning
      apparatus; and
        c. Electric wiring and standard illuminating fixtures.
        Such  specifications  shall  be  drawn  so as to permit the letting of
      separate  and  independent  contracts  for  each  of  the  above   three
      subdivisions of work. Except as otherwise provided by the public housing
      law,  the  provisions  of  which  shall  apply when the developer is the
      Yonkers city housing authority, every developer  or  general  contractor
      undertaking   the   construction,   reconstruction,   rehabilitation  or
      improvement of any such combined occupancy structure pursuant to  or  in
      furtherance  of  the  provisions  of  this  article  shall  let separate
      contracts to the lowest responsible bidder for the three subdivisions of
      the above specified work to persons, firms or corporations  approved  by
      the  chairman  of  the fund as being qualified, responsible and reliable
      bidders engaged in these classes of work.  All  such  qualified  bidders
      engaged  in  the  above  specified  work shall be entitled to bid and to
      receive, upon request, a copy of the plans and specifications. All  such
      bids  shall  be  submitted to the fund and shall be opened publicly at a
      stated time and place.
        2-a. Each bidder on a public work contract, where the  preparation  of
      separate  specifications  is  not  required, shall submit with its bid a
      separate sealed list that names each subcontractor that the bidder  will
      use  to  perform  work on the contract, and the agreed-upon amount to be
      paid to each, for: a. plumbing and gas fitting, b.  steam  heating,  hot
      water  heating,  ventilating  and  air  conditioning  apparatus  and  c.
      electric wiring and standard illuminating fixtures. After the low bid is
      announced, the sealed list of subcontractors submitted with such low bid
      shall be opened and the names of such subcontractors shall be announced,
      and thereafter any change of subcontractor or agreed-upon amount  to  be
      paid  to  each  shall  require  the approval of the public owner, upon a
      showing presented to the public owner of  legitimate  construction  need
      for  such  change,  which shall be open to public inspection. Legitimate
      construction need shall include, but not be  limited  to,  a  change  in
      project  specifications,  a  change  in  construction  material costs, a
      change to subcontractor status as determined pursuant to  paragraph  (e)
      of  subdivision  two of section two hundred twenty-two of the labor law,
      or  the  subcontractor  has  become  otherwise  unwilling,   unable   or
      unavailable   to   perform   the   subcontract.   The  sealed  lists  of
      subcontractors submitted by all other bidders shall be returned to  them
      unopened after the contract award.
        3.  a. In addition to other bond or bonds, if any, required by law for
      the completion of the school portion of a combined occupancy  structure,
      or  in  the absence of any such requirement, the fund shall nevertheless
      require, prior to the approval of any lease or other agreement providing
      for the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or  improvement  of
      any  combined occupancy structure, that the developer, if other than the
      Yonkers city housing authority, or general contractor,  furnish  a  bond
      guaranteeing  prompt  payment  of  moneys  due to all persons furnishing
      labor or materials to or for the person furnishing said bond or  to  his
      or her subcontractors in the prosecution of the entire work provided for
      in  such lease or other agreement. Whenever the developer is the Yonkers
      city housing authority, it shall require  each  of  its  contractors  to
      furnish such bond to said authority and fund with respect to the work to
      be  performed and materials supplied by such contractor, and no separate
      or other payment bond shall be required to be furnished to the fund.
        b. A copy of such payment bond shall be kept  in  the  office  of  the
      chairman  of the fund and a copy shall also be kept in the office of the
      board of education; such copies shall be open to public inspection.
        c. Every person who has furnished labor or material,  to  or  for  the
      developer  or  general  contractor or contractor furnishing such payment
      bond or to his or her subcontractors in  the  prosecution  of  the  work
      provided  for  in  the  lease  or  other agreement for which the bond is
      furnished and who  has  not  been  paid  in  full  therefor  before  the
      expiration of a period of ninety days after the day on which the last of
      the  labor  was  performed  or  material was furnished by him or her for
      which the claim is made, shall have the right to  sue  on  such  payment
      bond  in  his  or  her  own name for the amount, or the balance thereof,
      unpaid at the time of commencement of  the  action;  provided,  however,
      that   a   person  having  a  direct  contractual  relationship  with  a
      subcontractor of the developer or contractor furnishing the payment bond
      but no contractual relationship express or implied with  such  developer
      or  contractor  shall not have a right of action upon the bond unless he
      or she shall have given written notice to such developer  or  contractor
      furnishing  the  bond within ninety days from the date on which the last
      of the labor was performed or the last of the  material  was  furnished,
      for  which  his  or her claim is made, stating with substantial accuracy
      the amount claimed and the name of the party to whom  the  material  was
      furnished  or  for  whom  the  labor  was performed. The notice shall be
      served by delivering the same personally to the developer or  contractor
      furnishing  said bond or by mailing the same by registered mail, postage
      prepaid, in an envelope addressed to such developer or contractor at any
      place where he or she  maintains  an  office  or  conducts  his  or  her
      business or at his or her residence.