Section 14. Town and city clerks to issue marriage licenses; form  

Latest version.
  • The town
      or city clerk of each and every town or city in  this  state  is  hereby
      empowered  to  issue  marriage  licenses to any parties applying for the
      same who may be entitled under the laws of this state to apply  therefor
      and  to  contract  matrimony,  authorizing the marriage of such parties,
      which license shall be substantially in the following form:
      State of New York
      County of ................
      City or town of ..........
        Know all men by this certificate that any person authorized by law  to
      perform  marriage  ceremonies  within the state of New York to whom this
      may come, he not  knowing  any  lawful  impediment  thereto,  is  hereby
      authorized  and  empowered  to  solemnize the rites of matrimony between
      ............. of ........... in the county of ............. and state of
      New York and ..................  of ................... in the county of
      ............. and state of New York and to certify the same to the  said
      parties  or either of them under his hand and seal in his ministerial or
      official capacity and thereupon he is required to return his certificate
      in the form hereto annexed. The statements endorsed  hereon  or  annexed
      hereto, by me subscribed, contain a full and true abstract of all of the
      facts concerning  such parties disclosed by their affidavits or verified
      statements  presented to me upon the application for this license.  This
      certificate  is  to  be  returned  addressed to the undersigned at
         (Street)               (City, Town, Village)                 (State)
        In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal
      of said town  or  city  at  ..........  this  .......  day  of  ........
      nineteen ........, at........m. Seal.
        The  form  of  the  certificate  annexed  to  said license and therein
      referred to shall be as follows:
        I, ....a....., residing at ......... in the  county  of  ........  and
      state  of New York do hereby certify that I did on this ......... day of
      .... in the year, nineteen ......... at ......  m,  at  .......  in  the
      county  of  .......... and the state of New York, solemnize the rites of
      matrimony between .... of ..... in the county of ...........  and  state
      of  New York, and .... of ..... in the county of ............. and state
      of New York in the presence of .....  and  .....  as  witness,  and  the
      license therefor is hereto annexed.
        Witness  my  hand  ...... in the county of ....... this ....... day of
      ....., nineteen .....
        In the presence of
        There shall be endorsed upon the license or annexed thereto at the end
      thereof, subscribed by the clerk, an abstract of  the  facts  concerning
      the  parties  as disclosed in their affidavits or verified statements at
      the time of the application for the license made in  conformity  to  the
      provisions of section fifteen of this chapter.
        There  shall  also  be stated upon the license the exact period during
      which the marriage may be solemnized.
        The   license  issued,  including  the  abstract  of  facts,  and  the
      certificate duly signed by the person  who  shall  have  solemnized  the
      marriage  therein  authorized,  shall  be returned by him, and where the
      marriage is solemnized by a written  contract,  the  judge  before  whom
      acknowledgment  is made shall forward such contract and marriage license
      to the office of the town or city clerk who issued  the  license  within
      five days succeeding the date of the solemnizing of the marriage therein
      authorized  and any person or persons who shall wilfully neglect to make
      such return within the time above required shall be deemed guilty  of  a
      misdemeanor  and  upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of
      not less than twenty-five dollars or more than fifty  dollars  for  each
      and every offense.
        When  a  marriage  is  solemnized  by  a city, town or village justice
      outside of the  territorial  jurisdiction  in  which  such  justice  was
      elected  or  appointed, as provided in subdivision six of section eleven
      of this chapter, there shall be affixed to such license prior to filing,
      the official or common seal of the court or of the municipality in which
      such justice was elected or appointed.