Article 3. Solemnization, Proof and Effect of Marriage  

Section 10. Marriage a civil contract
Section 11. By whom a marriage must be solemnized
Section 11-A. Duty of city clerk in certain cities of the first class; facsimile signature of said clerk authorized
Section 11-B. Registration of persons performing marriage ceremonies in the city of New York
Section 11-C. Marriage officers
Section 12. Marriage, how solemnized
Section 13. Marriage licenses
Section 13-AA. Test to determine the presence of sickle cell anemia
Section 13-B. Time within which marriage may be solemnized
Section 13-C. Twenty-four hour provision waived in certain cases
Section 13-D. Duty of clerk issuing marriage license
Section 14. Town and city clerks to issue marriage licenses; form
Section 14-A. Town and city clerks to issue certificates of marriage registration; form
Section 15. Duty of town and city clerks
Section 15-A. Marriages of minors under fourteen years of age
Section 15-B. Temporary provisions authorizing issuance of marriage license, upon court order, without consent of a parent in armed forces of United States, merchant marine and allied forces, and absent from the United States
Section 16. False statements and affidavits
Section 17. Clergyman or officer violating article; penalty
Section 18. Clergymen or officer, when protected
Section 19. Records to be kept by town and city clerks
Section 19-A. Marriages on vessels; reports and records
Section 20. Records to be kept by the state department of health and the city clerk of the city of New York
Section 20-A. Certified transcripts of records; state commissioner of health may furnish
Section 20-B. Certification of marriage; state commissioner of health may furnish
Section 21. Forms and books to be furnished
Section 22. Penalty for violation
Section 23. Supervision of and inspection of town and city clerks' records by state commissioner of health
Section 24. Effect of marriage on legitimacy of children
Section 25. License, when to be obtained