Section 725.15. Sealing of records  

Latest version.
  • Except  where  specifically  required  or permitted by statute or upon
      specific authorization of the court that directed removal of  an  action
      to  the family court all official records and papers of the action up to
      and including the order of removal, whether on file with  the  court,  a
      police  agency  or  the  division  of  criminal  justice  services,  are
      confidential and must not be made available to any person or  public  or
      private agency, provided however that availability of copies of any such
      records  and  papers  on file with the family court shall be governed by
      provisions that apply to family court records, and further provided that
      all official records and papers of the action shall be included in those
      records  and  reports  that  may  be  obtained  upon  request   by   the
      commissioner  of mental health or commissioner of mental retardation and
      developmental disabilities, as appropriate; the case review  panel;  and
      the  attorney  general  pursuant  to section 10.05 of the mental hygiene