Section 500-J. Who may visit local correctional facilities  

Latest version.
  • The following
      persons may visit at pleasure all  local  correctional  facilities:  The
      governor  and  lieutenant-governor,  secretary of state, comptroller and
      attorney-general, members of the legislature, judges  of  the  court  of
      appeals,  justices  of  the  supreme  court  and county judges, district
      attorneys and every clergyman or minister, as such terms are defined  in
      section  two  of  the  religious  corporations  law,  having charge of a
      congregation in the county in which such facility is located.  No  other
      person  not  otherwise authorized by law shall be permitted to enter the
      rooms of a local correctional facility in which convicts  are  confined,
      unless  under  such  regulations  as  the  sheriff  of the county, or in
      counties within the city of New York, the commissioner of correction  of
      such  city,  or  in  the  county  of  Westchester,  the  commissioner of
      correction of such county shall prescribe.