Section 165. Payment of funds to tourist promotion agencies  

Latest version.
  • (a) Upon
      submission and approval of each application  and  the  authorization  of
      funds  by  the  commissioner  in  accordance therewith, the commissioner
      shall give notice to the particular tourist  promotion  agency  of  such
      approval and authorization, and shall direct such agency to proceed with
      its  proposed advertising program as described in its application.  Upon
      the furnishing of satisfactory  evidence  to  the  department  that  the
      particular  tourist  promotion agency has encumbered funds in the amount
      committed and approved by the commissioner,  the  state  matching  funds
      allocated  to  such agency shall be paid from the funds appropriated for
      such purpose pursuant to this act.  Any  state  funds  so  paid  may  be
      expended  only on a matching basis and only within twelve months of such
      payment unless an extension of time  has  been  applied  for  and,  upon
      showing of good cause, granted by the commissioner.
        (b)  No  advertising  or promotion funded for the purposes of this act
      shall contain reference to or the name of any  public  official  of  the
      state  of  New  York,  or  its political subdivisions.   Reference shall
      include but  not  be  limited  to  photographs,  drawings,  caricatures,
      quotations, invitations, signatures, endorsements or sound recordings.
        (c)  Any  logotype, special printing characters, slogan or like device
      developed by any advertising agency hired by the department and used  in
      advertising  and  promotion  with funds appropriated for the purposes of
      this act shall become the property of the state of New York and shall be
      provided without  fee  to  any  tourist  promotion  agency  for  use  in
      advertising  purchased  with funds appropriated for the purposes of this
      act. This  section  shall  not  be  construed  as  license  for  tourist
      promotion agencies to use in toto advertising developed by the agency or
      agencies   under   contract   to   the   department.  It  shall  be  the
      responsibility of the commissioner to determine those  constructs  which
      must  be  present to maintain necessary continuity in central conceptual
      themes in advertising purchased with funds provided for the purposes  of
      this act.