Section 231. Regional offices  

Latest version.
  • 1.  The  department, through its regional
      offices, is authorized:  (a)  to  serve  as  a  center  for  information
      regarding  economic  development resources available from state, federal
      and  local  agencies;  (b)  to  provide  outreach  to  businesses,  with
      attention  to  small and medium-sized businesses, including minority and
      women-owned business enterprises, for financial and technical assistance
      offered by state economic development agencies,  authorities,  or  other
      economic  entities;  (c)  to  serve  as  a  regional  center  to  accept
      applications for state economic development programs; (d) to  coordinate
      the  economic  development programs and activities of state agencies and
      authorities within each region including, but not limited  to,  outreach
      to   businesses,   technical   assistance   services,   skills  training
      assistance, sharing of information, strategic economic development plans
      and programs, to provide or arrange for assistance  in  compliance  with
      federal, state, and local rules, regulations, permits, and licenses, and
      other  measures  to  enhance regional economic development and eliminate
      duplication of services; (e) to provide or  arrange  for  assistance  to
      persons, firms, agencies, partnerships or corporations, either public or
      private,  in  applying  for  assistance  from state economic development
      programs or for necessary licenses and permits or seeking to comply with
      federal, state and local  rules  and  regulations;  (f)  to  review  and
      comment,   within   their  knowledge  and  expertise,  with  respect  to
      applications for state assistance in a timely manner and form prescribed
      by the commissioner; (g) to distribute literature and marketing material
      describing the facilities, advantages and attractions of the region  for
      business;  (h)  to  provide  economic  development information, planning
      services and technical assistance to counties and municipalities  within
      the   region;   (i)   to  provide  information  and  assistance  in  the
      certification of minority and women-owned business enterprises;  (j)  to
      provide  or  arrange for assistance to private sector employers, whether
      operating for profit  or  not  for  profit,  and  to  organizations  and
      associations of such employers in developing and implementing innovative
      and  flexible  employee compensation, assistance and benefit programs to
      enhance  competitiveness  and  meet  emerging  demographic  and   market
      conditions;  and  (k)  to  provide  information  and assistance to small
      businesses on environmental compliance requirements of federal and state
      law and pollution prevention opportunities in  furtherance  of  policies
      and  programs  established  in article twenty-eight of the environmental
      conservation law and in coordination with the pollution  prevention  and
      environmental  compliance  coordinating  council  established in article
      twenty-eight of the environmental conservation law,  including  programs
      operated by the department, the department of environmental conservation
      or  other  state  or  local agencies from which technical assistance, or
      loans, grants or other financial assistance for compliance and pollution
      prevention may be  obtained;  and  in  providing  such  information  and
      assistance, to promote pollution prevention approaches.
        2.  As  used  in  this  section,  "Pollution  prevention"  shall  mean
      pollution prevention as such term is defined by article twenty-eight  of
      the environmental conservation law.