Section 300. Legislative findings and declaration of intent  

Latest version.
  • The legislature
      recognizes the paramount importance of the health, safety and welfare of
      the  citizens of the state and further recognizes that when the lives or
      property of  its  citizens  are  in  imminent  danger  that  timely  and
      appropriate assistance must be rendered.
        The  legislature  recognizes  further  that  such assistance is almost
      always summoned by  telephone  and  that  a  multiplicity  of  emergency
      telephone  numbers  exist  within any one county and that unintentional,
      though avoidable, delays in reaching appropriate emergency aid  can  and
      do occur to the detriment and jeopardy of life and property.
        The  legislature  acknowledges  that the three digit number, 911, is a
      nationally recognized and applied telephone number which may be used  to
      summon  emergency  aid  and  to  eliminate  delays  caused  by  lack  of
      familiarity with emergency numbers and by  understandable  confusion  in
      circumstances of crisis.
        The  legislature  finds  that the enhanced emergency telephone service
      known as E911 provides substantial benefits  beyond  basic  911  systems
      through  the  provision  of  selective  routing and automatic number and
      location  identification  and   that   these   enhancements   not   only
      significantly  reduce  the  response time of emergency services but also
      represent the state of the art in fail-safe emergency  telephone  system
        The   legislature   further   finds  that  a  major  obstacle  to  the
      establishment of an E911 system in the various counties within the state
      is the cost of the telecommunication equipment and  services  which  are
      necessary to provide such system.
        The  legislature  further finds and declares that, by the enactment of
      the provisions of this article, it is the intent of the  legislature  to
      fulfill  its obligation to provide for the health, safety and welfare of
      the people of this state by providing counties with a funding  mechanism
      to  assist  in the payment of the costs associated with establishing and
      maintaining  an  E911  system  and  thereby  considerably  increase  the
      potential  for  providing  all  citizens of this state with the valuable
      services inherent in an E911 system.