Section 333. Expedited deployment funding of local public safety answering points  

Latest version.
  • 1. Only local public  safety  answering  points  designated  and
      operated by a governmental entity, other than the state police, shall be
      eligible for expedited deployment funding.
        2. To apply for expedited deployment funding, such local public safety
      answering  points  shall submit a written enhanced wireless 911 plan. An
      enhanced wireless 911 plan shall include the following  information  and
      such  other information as may be required pursuant to standards adopted
      by the board:
        (a) a timeframe for planned enhanced wireless 911 implementation;
        (b) a list of all  wireless  service  suppliers  licensed  to  provide
      service in the county;
        (c)  a  financial plan, including a summary of projected costs related
      to equipment purchase, installation and approved  maintenance  necessary
      to provide enhanced wireless 911 service;
        (d)  a  list  of  specific  projects eligible for expedited deployment
      funding contained in the financial plan;
        (e) a description of technologies  to  be  used  to  provide  enhanced
      wireless 911 service;
        (f) documentation supporting the local public safety answering point's
      ability  to receive and utilize enhanced wireless 911 information within
      one hundred eighty days of the submission of the plan; and
        (g) a resolution from the governmental  entity  supporting  the  local
      public   safety  answering  point's  request  for  expedited  deployment
        3. The board shall have ninety days to review and approve  such  local
      public  safety  answering  point's  enhanced wireless 911 plan. The plan
      shall be determined by the board to be  complete  or  incomplete  within
      ninety  days  of  receipt  of  the  plan.  If the board does not issue a
      determination of completeness or incompleteness within  ninety  days  of
      receipt of the plan, the plan shall be deemed approved. Upon approval of
      the  local  public safety answering point's plan, the board shall submit
      recommendations  for  expedited  deployment  funding  contained  in   an
      approved  enhanced  wireless  911  plan  to the New York state dormitory
      authority on a monthly basis  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  section
      sixteen hundred eighty-nine-h of the public authorities law.
        4.  (a)  The  dormitory authority shall make final determinations with
      respect to such recommendations not later than the end of the  following
      month and shall convey such recommendations to the department of state.
        (b)   The   department   of   state,  in  accordance  with  the  final
      determinations by  the  dormitory  authority,  shall  distribute  monies
      appropriated for this purpose to the local public safety answering point
      for  the payment of eligible wireless 911 service costs pursuant to this
      section and in accordance with the provisions of section sixteen hundred
      eighty-nine-h of the public authorities law.
        (c) A local public safety answering point whose plan has  been  denied
      or who has been denied funding may appeal such denial to the board.
        5.  Following  distribution  of  expedited deployment funds, the local
      public safety answering points shall submit receipts  to  accompany  the
      approved   vouchers  demonstrating  that  such  expenditures  have  been
      incurred.  Any  local  public  safety  answering  point  which  utilizes
      expedited deployment funding for purposes other than those authorized by
      the  board  shall  be  provided with written notice by the board of such
      unauthorized expenditures. Upon receipt of the notice, the local  public
      safety  answering  point  shall  cease  making any expenditure involving
      expedited deployment funding. The local public  safety  answering  point
      may  petition  and  shall  receive  a  hearing before the board within a
      reasonable time. At the board's  discretion,  the  local  public  safety
      answering  point  shall  be  required  to  refund within thirty days any
      expedited deployment funding spent on unauthorized  expenditures.  Local
      public  safety  answering points which fail to cease making unauthorized
      expenditures  or  fail  to  comply  with  a  request to refund expedited
      deployment funding shall be subject to a suspension of future funding by
      the board.
        6. Money shall not be allocated  for  any  item  other  than  eligible
      wireless  911 service costs as defined in subdivision sixteen of section
      three hundred twenty-five of this article.