Section 151. Organization of board  

Latest version.
  • 1.  The  members  of  the  board of
      supervisors shall organize the board and select a chairman on or  before
      the  eighth  day  of  January in each year. The board shall annually, by
      resolution duly adopted during the month of December, fix the date, time
      and place of the meeting to organize the board. The board may provide by
      local law that the members of the  board  shall  meet  to  organize  and
      select  a  chairman  on  or  before  the  eighth  day of January in each
      even-numbered year. The clerk of the board of  supervisors  shall  serve
      upon  each  member  a  notice  stating  the date, time and place of each
      meeting to organize the board and that a chairman will then be selected.
      The notice shall be in writing and shall be served by mail addressed  to
      each  member  at his last known post-office address at least forty-eight
      hours before the date of the meeting.
        2. In the event of the death, inability or failure of the clerk of the
      board of supervisors to call any such meeting or to serve such  notices,
      the  county  clerk  of the county shall call the meeting to organize the
      board and select a chairman on or before the fifteenth  day  of  January
      following. Notice of such meeting shall be served by the county clerk in
      like  manner  and time as provided for service of notice by the clerk of
      the board in subdivision one.
        3. At such organization meeting, or at an adjourned meeting not  later
      than  February first, the board shall select a chairman and may select a
        4. The term of office of the chairman shall expire at the end  of  the
      calendar year in which he is selected, unless the board shall provide by
      local  law  for  the  selection  of the chairman in January of each even
      numbered year, in which event the term of office of the  chairman  shall
      be for a term expiring with that of his term of office as supervisor.
        5.  In  the event of a failure of the board of supervisors to select a
      chairman on or before February first, the county  clerk  of  the  county
      shall  appoint  a member of the board as chairman, who shall serve until
      the end of the calendar year in which he is appointed.
        6. In the absence of the chairman and the vice chairman,  if  one  has
      been  selected,  at any meeting of the board of supervisors, the members
      present and voting, by majority vote, shall select a member of the board
      to serve as acting chairman at such meeting. The acting  chairman  shall
      have  and  exercise  all  the  powers  and duties of the chairman at the
      meeting over which he is called to preside.
        6-a. In the absence of the chairman, the  vice-chairman,  if  one  has
      been selected:
        a. shall preside over each duly constituted meeting of the board;
        b.  shall  have and exercise all the powers and duties of the chairman
      at any meeting over which he is called to preside;
        c.  shall  have  and  exercise  those  additional  powers  and  duties
      authorized  by  resolution  of the board, provided such resolution shall
        (i) the dates during which the vice-chairman may exercise those powers
      and duties; and
        (ii) that the powers and duties authorized to the vice-chairman  shall
      not be exercised by the chairman during that designated time period.
        7.  In  case  of a vacancy in the office of chairman, the clerk of the
      board of supervisors shall call a meeting of the members  of  the  board
      upon  like  notice  as provided in subdivision one, at which a successor
      shall be selected chairman who shall be  a  member  of  the  board.  The
      person  so  selected  shall  serve  as  chairman  of  the  board for the
      unexpired term of the previous chairman. In the event of the failure  of
      the  board  to select such chairman within thirty days after the vacancy
      shall have occurred, the county clerk shall  appoint  a  member  of  the
      board as chairman, who shall serve until the end of the calendar year in
      which he is appointed.