Section 920. Alphabetical indices in offices of county clerks  

Latest version.
  • The clerk of
      each of the counties within the city of New York, so long as he deems it
      expedient, may continue the  alphabetical  indices  of  the  parties  to
      notices  of lis pendens, statutory notice of liens and claims upon land,
      or of the parties to either of them, and of the owners of  land  against
      which  liens  have been filed and of judgment debtors whose names appear
      on record. The particular form of such alphabetical indices shall be  as
      such  county  clerk  shall  determine,  and shall be certified by him as
      having been prepared under the authority of this article.  Such  indices
      shall  be  kept in the office of the county clerk or in such other place
      as shall be provided for them and shall be public records.