Section 652. Undersheriff and staff of sheriff  

Latest version.
  • 1. Within ten days after
      entering upon the duties of the office, the  sheriff  shall  appoint  an
      undersheriff  to  serve  during  his  pleasure.    During the absence or
      inability of the sheriff to act or when a vacancy  shall  occur  in  the
      office  of  the  sheriff, the undersheriff shall, in all things, execute
      the duties of the office of sheriff until a new sheriff  is  elected  or
      appointed and has qualified.
        2.  Within the limits of the appropriation, the sheriff may appoint as
      many regular deputy sheriffs as he may deem proper,  but  not  exceeding
      one  for  every  three  thousand inhabitants of the county. The board of
      supervisors may, however, authorize the appointment of  such  additional
      regular  deputy  sheriffs  as  it  may  determine.   A female correction
      officer  or  female  deputy  sheriff  who  is  authorized   to   perform
      correctional duties and has completed training, as mandated by the state
      commission  of  correction,  shall  be  in  attendance in a correctional
      facility when females are confined  in  the  correctional  facility  and
      shall,  when  deemed  necessary  by the sheriff or keeper of the jail to
      maintain the order and security of the facility, be in attendance in any
      housing unit where females are confined. A male  correction  officer  or
      male deputy sheriff who is authorized to perform correctional duties and
      has   completed  training,  as  mandated  by  the  state  commission  of
      correction, shall be in attendance in a correctional facility when males
      are confined  in  the  correctional  facility  and  shall,  when  deemed
      necessary by the sheriff or keeper of the jail to maintain the order and
      security  of  the  facility,  be in attendance in any housing unit where
      males are confined. The sheriff may also appoint keepers, guards, clerks
      and employees as may be authorized by the board of supervisors and  such
      appointees  shall  serve  during  his  pleasure.  Any person may also be
      deputed by any sheriff or  undersheriff  by  written  instrument  to  do
      particular acts.
        3.  Each  such appointment shall be in a writing filed and recorded in
      the office of the county clerk.
        4.  Before  the  appointment  by  a  sheriff  of  any  person  as   an
      undersheriff  or  a deputy, other than a person deputed to do particular
      acts, the sheriff shall require such person to, and such  person  shall,
      submit  to the sheriff fingerprints of the two hands of such person, and
      it shall thereupon be the duty of the sheriff to compare, or cause to be
      compared such fingerprints with fingerprints filed with the division  of
      criminal identification of the state department of correction; provided,
      however,  that  in  any  case  where the fingerprints of any such person
      shall once have been submitted pursuant to this section and are on  file
      in  the  office  of  the  sheriff,  no  new  submission thereof shall be
      required, nor shall the sheriff be required to make or cause to be  made
      such  comparison  if such comparison shall have been made previously and
      certification thereof by such department is on file in his office.