Section 626. Purchasing of products for county use

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding the
      provisions of section one hundred three of the  general  municipal  law,
      when  purchasing  products,  the  county  purchasing agent may, wherever
      recycled products meet contract specifications and  the  price  of  such
      products  is  reasonably  competitive, purchase such products.   For the
      purpose  of  this  section  and  until  July  first,  nineteen   hundred
      ninety-six,  "recycled  product"  shall  mean any product which has been
      manufactured from secondary materials, as defined in subdivision one  of
      section two hundred sixty-one of the economic development law, and meets
      secondary material content requirements adopted by the office of general
      services  under  subdivision one of section one hundred seventy-seven of
      the state finance law for products available to the county  under  state
      contract  or,  if  no  such  contract for such product is available, any
      product which meets the secondary material content requirements  adopted
      by  the  county  with respect to a specific commodity procurement by the
      county.  On and after July first, nineteen hundred ninety-six, "recycled
      product" shall mean, for the purposes of this section, any product which
      is manufactured from secondary materials, as defined in subdivision  one
      of  section  two  hundred sixty-one of the economic development law, and
      which meets the requirements of subdivision two of  section  27-0717  of
      the  environmental conservation law and regulations promulgated pursuant
      thereto. For the purpose of this section, "reasonably competitive" shall
      mean that the cost of the  recycled  product  does  not  exceed  a  cost
      premium  of  ten  percent above the cost of a comparable product that is
      not a recycled product or, if at least fifty percent  of  the  secondary
      materials utilized in the manufacture of that product are generated from
      the  waste  stream  in  New York state, the cost of the recycled product
      does not exceed a cost premium of fifteen percent above the  cost  of  a
      comparable  product that is not a recycled product.  Whenever the county
      purchasing agent shall purchase or cause the  purchase  of  printing  on
      recycled  paper  pursuant  to  this section, he or she shall require the
      printed  material  to  contain  the  official  state  recycling   emblem
      established  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of  section  27-0717 of the
      environmental conservation  law  and  regulations  promulgated  pursuant
      thereto   if   such  paper  has  been  approved  by  the  department  of
      environmental  conservation  as  satisfying  the  requirements  of  such
      statute  and  regulations,  or,  if such paper has not been so approved,
      require the printed  material  to  include  a  printed  statement  which
      indicates  the  percentages  of  pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled
      material content of such paper.