Section 8-905. Limitations  

Latest version.
  • a.  A  civil action under this chapter must be
      commenced within  seven  years  after  the  alleged  crime  of  violence
      motivated  by  gender  as  defined  in  section  8-903  of  this chapter
      occurred. If, however, due to injury or disability resulting from an act
      or acts giving rise to a cause of action under this chapter, or  due  to
      infancy  as  defined  in  the  civil  procedure  law and rules, a person
      entitled to commence an action under this chapter is unable to do so  at
      the  time  such  cause of action accrues, then the time within which the
      action must be commenced shall be extended  to  seven  years  after  the
      inability to commence the action ceases.
        b.  Except  as  otherwise  permitted  by  law, nothing in this chapter
      entitles a person to a cause of  action  for  random  acts  of  violence
      unrelated  to  gender  or  for  acts  that  cannot  be  demonstrated, by
      preponderance of the evidence, to be motivated by gender as  defined  in
      section 8-903.
        c.  Nothing  in  this  section  requires  a  prior criminal complaint,
      prosecution or conviction to establish the elements of a cause of action
      under this chapter.