Section 28-109.2. Covered buildings  

Latest version.
  • Covered buildings include:
        1.  High-rise  buildings  as  described in section 403 of the New York
      city building code.
        2. Occupancy groups B, E, F, H, M, or S occupying two or more  stories
      with  over 20,000 gross square feet (1858 m{2}) of floor area per floor,
      or occupying two or more stories in a building with a total  floor  area
      exceeding 50,000 gross square feet (4645 m{2}).
        3.  Any  building  containing an assembly occupancy having an occupant
      load of 300 or more persons.
        4. Occupancy group  I  or  R-1  occupying  two  or  more  stories  and
      containing sleeping accommodations for 30 or more persons.
        5.  Occupancy  group  R-2  occupancies  containing 30 or more dwelling
      units in a building where over 10,000 gross square  feet  (929 m{2})  of
      floor area is occupied by occupancy group A, E, M, or I.