Section 28-105.4.5. Sign permits  

Latest version.
  • A sign permit shall not be required where
      the sign is:
        1. Painted directly on the exterior wall surface of a building  or  on
      the surface of a fence;
        2. A wall sign of not more than six square feet (0.56 m{2}) in area;
        3.  Erected by employees of a city agency, including traffic and other
      similar signs;
        4. A ground sign advertising the sale or rental  of  the  premises  on
      which  it  is  erected, provided the sign does not exceed 12 square feet
      (1.1 m{2}) in area;
        5. Temporary and erected during construction work and related thereto;
        6. Temporary for special decorative display use for  holidays,  public
      demonstrations,  or  the  promotion  of  civic,  welfare  or  charitable
      purposes, except that signs that utilize streets or cross streets  shall
      be subject to the requirements of the department of transportation.
        7. Temporary signs announcing the sale or rental of real property.