Section 27-566. Floor live loads  

Latest version.
  • The uniform live load to be used for design
      shall  be  the  basic  value  established  in  reference standard RS 9-2
      multiplied by the percentages given in subdivisions (a) through  (d)  of
      this section.
        (a)  Except  as  provided  in  subdivisions  (b),  (c),  and  (d), the
      percentages in table  9-1  shall  apply.  Contributory  areas  shall  be
      computed in accordance with section 27-567 of this article.
        (b)  No  live  load  reduction  shall  be permitted for the following:
      members  and  connections  (other  than  columns,  piers,   and   walls)
      supporting  floor  areas used for storage (including warehouses, library
      stacks, and record storage); areas used for  parking  of  vehicles;  and
      areas  used  as  place of assembly, for manufacturing, and for retail or
      wholesale sales. For columns, piers, and  walls  supporting  such  floor
      areas the maximum live load reduction shall be twenty per cent.
        (c)  No  live  load reduction shall be permitted for calculating shear
      stresses at the heads of column in flat slab or flat plate construction.
        (d) In lieu of the percentages given  in  table  9-1,  the  live  load
      reductions for columns, piers and walls may be taken as fifteen per cent
      of the live load on the top floor, increased successively at the rate of
      five  per  cent on each successive lower floor, with a maximum reduction
      of fifty per cent; and for girders supporting two hundred square feet or
      more of floor area, the live load reduction may be taken as fifteen  per
      cent.  The  limitations of subdivisions (b), (c) and (d) of this section
      shall apply.
                         TABLE 9-1  Percentage of Live Load*
                                            Ratio of Live Load to Dead Load*
              Contributory Area         0.625 or less        1       2 or More
           149 or less                       100            100        100
           150-299                            80             85         85
           300-449                            60             70         75
           450-599                            50             60         70
           600 or more                        40             55         65
        * For intermediate values  of  live  load/dead  load,  the  applicable
      percentages of live load may be interpolated.