Section 27-233. Abbreviations

Latest version.
  • bhp: brake horsepower          mph: miles per hour
      Btu: british thermal unit      oz.: ounce
      C: centigrade                  P.C.E.: pyrometric cone
      cfm: cubic feet per minute       equivalent
      cps: cycles per second         pcf: pounds per cubic foot
      cu. ft.: cubic feet            plf: pounds per linear foot
      db: decibel                    psf: pounds per square foot
      dia.: diameter                 psi: pounds per square inch
      F: fahrenheit                  psia: pounds per square inch
      fpm: feet per minute             absolute
      fps: feet per second           psig: pounds per square inch
      fsp: fire standpipe              gauge
      ft.: foot                      rpm: revolutions per minute
      gal.: gallon                   sec: second
      gpm: gallons per minute        swp: steam working pressure
      gps: gallons per second        sq. ft: square foot
      h.p.: horsepower               sq. in.: square inch
      hr.: hour                      sq. yd.: square yard
      in.: inch                      STC: sound transmission class
      INR: impact noise rating       Tag: tagliabue
      I.P.S.: iron pipe size         wwp: water working pressure
      lb.: pound
        Note:  For  abbreviation of name of referenced national organizations,
      see reference standard RS 2-1.