Section 27-696. General requirements for installation of piles  

Latest version.
  • (a)
      Protection of adjacent property. Piles shall be installed with  adequate
      provision for the protection of adjacent buildings and property.
        (b)  Protection  of  the  pile  during  installation.  Piling shall be
      handled and installed to the  required  penetration  and  resistance  by
      methods that leave their strength unimpaired and that develop and retain
      the   required  load-bearing  resistance.  Any  damaged  pile  shall  be
      satisfactorily repaired or the pile shall be rejected.  Subject  to  the
      approval of the commissioner, damaged piles may be used at a fraction of
      the  design  load  as determined by the architect or engineer in lieu of
      repair or rejection.
        (c) Protection of pile  materials  after  installation.  Where  boring
      records  or site conditions indicate possible deleterious action on pile
      materials due to soil constituents,  changing  water  levels,  or  other
      causes, such materials shall be adequately protected by preservatives or
      encasements  that  will  not be rendered ineffective by driving and that
      will prevent such deleterious action. The following specific  provisions
      shall apply:
        (1)  Untreated  timber piles shall not be used unless the top level of
      the pile is below the permanent water table. The permanent  water  table
      level  shall  not  be assumed higher than the invert level of any sewer,
      drain, or subsurface structure in the adjacent streets, nor higher  than
      the  water level at the site resulting from the lowest drawdown of wells
      or sumps, but in no case shall untreated timber piles be used where  the
      cut-off  level  is  less  than  ten feet below the adjacent legal grade.
      Where treated piles are required, preservative treatment  shall  consist
      of  impregnation  with  creosote  or  a  creosote solution or, for piles
      entirely embedded below grade, a pentachlorophenal solution may be used.
      Treatment shall be in accordance  with  all  requirements  of  reference
      standard RS 11-6.
        (2)  Piles  installed  in ash or garbage fills, cinder fills, or which
      are free-standing in or near a seawater environment, or which  are  used
      for  the  support  of  chemical  plants,  coal  piles  or  under similar
      conditions of chemical seepage or aggressive action, or which  are  used
      for  support  of  electrical  generating  plants,  shall be investigated
      regarding  the  need  for  special  protective  treatment   and,   where
      protective   treatment   is   indicated,   shall  be  protected  against
      deterioration by encasement, coating, or other device acceptable to  the
        (d)  Equipment.  Equipment  and  methods for installing piles shall be
      such that piles are installed in their proper  position  and  alignment,
      without damage. Equipment shall be maintained in good repair.