Section 27-695. Splicing of piles  

Latest version.
  • Splices shall be constructed so as to
      provide and maintain true alignment and position of the component  parts
      of  the pile during installation and subsequent thereto, and shall be of
      adequate strength to transmit the vertical and lateral loads  (including
      tensions)  and the moments occurring in the pile section at the location
      of  the  splice  without  exceeding  the  allowable  stresses  for  such
      materials as established in subdivision (a) of section 27-700 of article
      eight  of  this  subchapter.  Except  for  piles  which  can be visually
      inspected after driving, splices shall develop at least fifty  per  cent
      of the capacity of the pile in bending. In addition, all pile splices in
      the upper ten feet of the pile section shall be capable of resisting (at
      allowable  working stresses) the moment and shear that would result from
      an assumed eccentricity of the pile load of three inches,  or  the  pile
      shall  be  braced in accordance with the provisions of section 27-694 of
      article seven of this subchapter to other piles that do not have splices
      in the upper ten feet of embedment. For piles located near a  lot  line,
      the  embedded length of such piles shall be determined on the basis that
      the adjacent site will be excavated to a depth of  ten  feet  below  the
      nearest established curb level.