Section 24-714. Private right of action  

Latest version.
  • (a)  Except  as  provided  in
      subdivision (c) of this section, any person may commence an action in  a
      court  of  competent  jurisdiction  on  his  or her own behalf against a
      responsible party of a facility for  failure  to  file  any  information
      required  to be filed with the department or fire department pursuant to
      section 24-706 of this chapter. Such action  shall  be  brought  in  the
      county  in which the alleged violation occurred or where the complainant
      resides. The court may impose the civil penalty provided  for  violation
      of this chapter.
        (b)  No  action may be commenced under subdivision (a) of this section
      prior to sixty days after the plaintiff has given notice of the  alleged
      violation  to the commissioner and the alleged violator. Notice required
      under this  subdivision  shall  be  given  in  such  manner  as  may  be
      prescribed by the commissioner.
        (c)   No  action  may  be  commenced  under  subdivision  (a)  if  the
      commissioner has commenced and is diligently pursuing an  administrative
      or  civil  action  concerning the facility which would be the subject of
      such action to enforce the reporting requirements of this chapter or  to
      impose any civil penalty for violation of such reporting requirements.
        (d)  The  court,  in  issuing  any  final order in any section brought
      pursuant to this section,  may  award  costs  of  litigation,  including
      reasonable  attorney's  and expert witness fees, to the prevailing party
      whenever the court determines such an award is appropriate.
        (e) In any action brought pursuant to this section, the  commissioner,
      may intervene as a matter of right.