Section 24-362. Disposal of the sewage of the city of Port Jervis  

Latest version.
  • a. The
      city of New York, through the commissioner of environmental  protection,
      is  hereby  authorized  and  empowered  to  enter  into  a  contract  or
      agreement, subject to the approval of the board of  estimate,  with  the
      municipal  authorities  of the city of Port Jervis, New York, to provide
      for the treatment and disposition of the sewage  of  the  city  of  Port
      Jervis  in  such manner as may be provided for in said agreement and the
      said municipal authorities of the  city  of  Port  Jervis  are  likewise
      authorized and empowered hereby to enter into the agreement aforesaid.
        b.  The  city  of  New York, through the commissioner of environmental
      protection, subject to the approval of the board of estimate, is  hereby
      authorized  and  empowered  to  acquire  by purchase, or by condemnation
      pursuant to this subchapter, such real estate in the city of Port Jervis
      or the county of Orange as may be necessary to  carry  into  effect  any
      agreed  plan for the treatment and disposition of the sewage of the city
      of Port Jervis, and to convey any such real estate so  acquired  to  the
      city  of  Port  Jervis,  any  special  or  general  law to the contrary,
        c.  Before  proceeding  with   the   construction,   the   plans   and
      specifications  therefor  shall  be submitted to the state department of
      health for approval and a permit obtained from the state  department  of
      health  pursuant  to  the provisions of the public health law applicable