Section 24-141. Emission of air contaminant (including odorous air contaminant) or water vapor; detriment to person, property or plant and animal life  

Latest version.
  • No  person  shall  cause  or permit the emission of air  contaminant, including odorous air contaminant, or water  vapor  if  the
      air  contaminant  or  water  vapor  causes or may cause detriment to the
      health, safety, welfare or comfort of any person, or injury to plant and
      animal life, or causes or may cause damage to property or  business,  or
      if  it  reacts  or  is likely to react with any other air contaminant or
      natural air, or is induced to react by solar energy to produce a  solid,
      liquid  or  gas  or  any  combination  thereof which causes or may cause
      detriment to the health, safety, welfare or comfort of  any  person,  or
      injury  to plant and animal life, or which causes or may cause damage to
      property or business.
        (a) The prohibition of this section includes, but is not  limited  to,
      emission of the following air contaminant:
        (1)  Air  contaminant  that contain cadmium, beryllium, mercury or any
      compounds thereof;
        (2) Air contaminant containing asbestos,  except  where  such  an  air
      contaminant  is  emitted from the brake lining of a motor vehicle during
      normal use.
        (b) The prohibition of this section includes, but is not  limited  to,
      emissions of odorous air contaminant from the following sources:
        (1) Aircraft engines,
        (2) Ammonia, bleaching powder or chlorine manufacture,
        (3) Asphalt manufacture or refining,
        (4) Blood processing,
        (5) Bag cleaning,
        (6) Coal tar products manufacture,
        (7) Compost heaps,
        (8) Crematory,
        (9) Creosote treatment or manufacture,
        (10) Diesel engines,
        (11) Disinfectants manufacture,
        (12) Distillation of bones, coal or wood,
        (13) Dyestuff manufacture,
        (14) Fat rendering,
        (15) Fertilizer manufacture and bone grinding,
        (16) Fish processing,
        (17) Glue, size or gelatin manufacture,
        (18)  Incineration  or  reduction  of  garbage, dead animals, offal or
        (19) Oiled rubber or leather goods manufacture,
        (20) Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture,
        (21) Paper and pulp manufacture,
        (22) Petroleum refining,
        (23) Plastic or resin manufacture,
        (24) Processing of food stuffs,
        (25) Rubber manufacture,
        (26) Shoe-blackening manufacture,
        (27) Soap and detergent manufacture,
        (28) Slaughter-houses,
        (29) Sulfuric, nitric or hydrochloric acid manufacture,
        (30) Tanning, curing or storage of rawhides or skins,
        (31) Tar distillation or manufacture,
        (32) Tar roofing or waterproofing manufacture.
        (c) The prohibition  of  this  section,  however,  shall  not  include
      emissions  of  the  air contaminants in paragraph (a) when restricted to
      the following quantities:
        (1) cadmium--0.15 micrograms per cubic meter.
        (2) beryllium--10 nanograms per cubic meter.
        (3) mercury--0.1 microgram per cubic meter.
        (4) asbestos--27 nanograms per cubic meter.