Section 19-516. Acceptance of passengers by for-hire vehicles and commuter vans  

Latest version.
  • a. For-hire vehicles may accept passengers only on  the  basis  of  telephone  contract or prearrangement. The commission may establish such
      disciplinary actions as it deems appropriate for failure to abide by the
      provisions of this chapter.
        b. No commuter van service and no person who owns, operates or  drives
      a  commuter  van,  shall  provide,  permit or authorize the provision of
      transportation service to a passenger unless such service to a passenger
      is on the basis of a telephone contract or other prearrangement and such
      prearrangement is evidenced by such  records  as  are  required  by  the
      commission  to  be maintained. Where a violation of this subdivision has
      been committed by a driver of a commuter van, the commuter  van  service
      and  the  owner  of such vehicle shall also be liable for a violation of
      this subdivision.