Section 19-514. Color schemes and emblems  

Latest version.
  • a. The exterior of all taxicabs
      shall be painted yellow or any shade thereof.
        b. The name of the corporate owner shall be printed on both rear doors
      or on both front doors of each taxicab in such  a  manner  as  shall  be
      prescribed by the commission.
        c.  The  commission  may  grant to any taxicab owner or association of
      taxicab owners, upon proper application therefor, the exclusive right to
      use one or more distinctive emblems or other identifying designs  to  be
      displayed on the vehicles of such applicant.
        d.  Such  applications  must  include colored sketches of the proposed
      color schemes of the emblems or designs, together with  such  other  and
      further information as the commission may require.
        e.  An  owner  shall  not  use  an  emblem granted to another owner or
      association, an emblem so similar as to lead to confusion in the mind of
      the public, or an emblem granted to any association unless he or she  be
      a  member of said association. The commission may suspend the license of
      any owner violating the provisions hereof.
        f. Each taxicab license shall be  represented  by  a  metal  medallion
      which shall bear the license number and be affixed to the outside of the
      licensed  taxicab. The commission may require that a notice be posted at
      the main entrance of each garage housing taxicab vehicles  reciting  the
      number   of   such  vehicles,  their  license  numbers  and  such  other
      information as the commission may designate.
        g. Any vehicle for hire except those licensed under the provisions  of
      this  chapter  shall not bear the colors yellow, orange, or gold, or, in
      combination  of  yellow-white,  orange-white,  gold-white,  green-white,
      blue-white  or  any  other combination of the above said colors or color
      scheme or striping in said colors.
        h.  Any  accessible  taxicab  or  for-hire  vehicle  licensed  by  the
      commission  shall display the international wheelchair insignia or other
      insignia approved by the commission that identifies such vehicle  as  an
      accessible  vehicle,  in  a  minimum  of two prominent locations on such
      vehicle's  exterior.  For  purposes  of  this  subdivision,  "accessible
      vehicle"  shall mean any vehicle approved for use by the commission as a
      taxicab  or  for-hire  vehicle  that  meets   the   specifications   and
      requirements  for  accessible  vehicles  pursuant  to the americans with
      disabilities act of 1990, as  amended,  and  rules  promulgated  by  the
        i.  Any clean air vehicle licensed by the commission shall display the
      words "CLEAN AIR VEHICLE" or such other term or symbol approved  by  the
      commission  that  identifies  such  vehicle  as a clean air vehicle in a
      minimum of two prominent locations on such vehicle's exterior.  For  the
      purposes of this subdivision, "clean air vehicle" shall mean any taxicab
      or  for-hire vehicle approved for use by the commission that receives an
      air  pollution  score  of  9.0  or  higher  from   the   United   States
      environmental protection agency or its successor agency and is estimated
      to  emit  6.4  tons or less of equivalent carbon dioxide per year by the
      United States department of energy or  its  successor  agency;  provided
      that  such  vehicle  is powered by the fuel for which such vehicle meets
      the above-specified standards. In the event the test method used by  the
      United  States  environmental  protection agency or its successor agency
      for determining fuel economy is adjusted in a way  that  impacts  United
      States  department  of  energy  or  its  successor  agency  estimates of
      equivalent carbon dioxide emissions for motor vehicles,  the  commission
      shall, for vehicles that fall within the affected model years, modify by
      rule the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions estimate included herein so
      as to appropriately reflect such adjustment's impact consistent with the
      intent of this section.