Section 19-511.1. Council review  

Latest version.
  • Any  determination by the commission to
      approve an application for a license to operate a new base station or to
      renew a license to operate a base station shall be subject to review  by
      the  council.  Within  ninety days of the first stated meeting following
      receipt of  such  determination  and  its  accompanying  materials,  the
      council may approve or disapprove such determination by local law, after
      having  adopted  a resolution to review that determination. In the event
      that the council fails to act by local law within the ninety day  period
      provided  for in this section, the determination of the commission shall
      remain in effect. Where a base station license  would  otherwise  expire
      while  a  determination  by  the commission to approve a renewal of such
      license is pending before the council, such license shall remain in full
      force and effect, unless suspended or revoked by the  commission,  until
      either   the   council  has  passed  a  local  law  to  disapprove  such
      determination or the  period  within  which  the  council  may  act  has