Section 19-508. Meters, radios and other equipment  

Latest version.
  • a. All taxicabs shall be
      equipped with meters, and the commission may  permit  or  require  other
      licensed  vehicles  to  be  equipped with the same or different types of
        b. The commission may permit or require the installation of  radio  or
      other equipment of specified types in licensed vehicles, except that the
      commission  shall  require  that  all wheelchair accessible vans contain
      two-way radios where  the  owner  employs  a  dispatcher,  a  number  of
      portable  or  fixed seat belts equal to the maximum capacity of the van,
      safety ties sufficient to secure any wheelchair or wheelchairs which the
      van may at any  given  time  be  transporting  and  such  other  special
      equipment  as  the commission shall determine is necessary to insure the
      safe transportation of physically handicapped  persons.  The  commission
      shall  require  the  use  of a specified frequency for any radio used by
      licensed  vehicles,  said  frequency  to  be  assigned  by  the  federal
      communications commission.
        c.  1.  For  purposes  of this section, the term "trouble light" shall
      mean a help or distress signaling light system consisting  of  two  turn
      signal type "lollipop" lights.
        2. Every for-hire vehicle or taxicab placed into operation shall carry
      a  minimum  of  two  spare  turn signal type "lollipop" lights of a type
      approved by the commission. In the event that any authorized enforcement
      agent indicates to  a  for-hire  vehicle  or  taxicab  driver  that  the
      vehicle's  trouble  light  is  defective,  such  driver  shall  have the
      opportunity to return such defective trouble  light  to  proper  working
      order by replacing one or both bulbs, or by any other corrective action,
      in  the presence of such enforcement agent. If the replacement of a bulb
      or bulbs, or any other corrective action, restores the trouble light  to
      proper  working  order,  no summons or notice of violation may be issued
      for operating a for-hire vehicle or taxicab  with  a  defective  trouble
      light.  In  the event that repair of the defective condition is not made
      in the presence of such enforcement agent and a  summons  or  notice  of
      violation  is issued for a defective for-hire vehicle or taxicab trouble
      light, such summons or notice of violation shall  be  dismissed  by  the
      adjudicatory  body  before  which such summons or notice of violation is
      heard if:  (a)  proof  that  repair  of  such  defect  was  made  within
      twenty-four  hours of the issuance of the summons or notice of violation
      is provided to the adjudicatory body and (b) the vehicle  was  not  used
      for  hire  during  the period of time from when the summons or notice of
      violation was issued to the time the repair was made.
        3.  Any  person  found  to  have  violated  the  provisions  of   this
      subdivision  shall  be  liable  for  a  fine of one hundred seventy-five
      dollars for each such violation and in addition thereto the license  for
      such  vehicle  shall  be  suspended  until  the  defective  condition is