Section 19-506. Regulations and enforcement  

Latest version.
  • a.  Except as provided by
      section 19-512.1, the commission  may  impose  reasonable  fines  and/or
      suspend  or revoke any license issued by the commission where the holder
      has failed to comply with or has willfully or knowingly violated any  of
      the provisions of this chapter or a rule or regulation of the commission
      after  adjudication  of  such  violation  by the administrative tribunal
      established by the commission in accordance with section 2303 of the New
      York city charter.
        b. 1. Any person who shall permit another  to  operate  or  who  shall
      knowingly operate or offer to operate for hire any vehicle as a taxicab,
      coach,  wheelchair  accessible  van  or  for-hire  vehicle  in the city,
      without first having obtained an appropriate license therefor, shall  be
      guilty  of a violation hereof, and upon conviction in the criminal court
      shall be punished by a fine of not less than  four  hundred  dollars  or
      more  than  one thousand dollars or imprisonment for not more than sixty
      days, or both such fine and imprisonment.
        2. Where  a  violation  of  this  chapter  or  any  rules  promulgated
      thereunder  is  committed  using  a  vehicle  which is owned by a rental
      vehicle company and has been rented or leased  by  such  rental  vehicle
      company,  it  shall  be  an  affirmative defense that the rental vehicle
      company did not know or have any reason to know that the person to  whom
      it  was rented or leased would operate or offer to operate for hire such
      vehicle as a taxicab,  coach,  wheelchair  accessible  van  or  for-hire
      vehicle in the city. For purposes of this subdivision, a "rental vehicle
      company"  shall  be  defined  as  any  person  or  organization  or  any
      subsidiary or affiliate, including  a  franchise,  in  the  business  of
      providing rental vehicles to the public.
        c.  (1)  No  person shall operate or permit to be operated any vehicle
      bearing the words "hack," "taxi," "taxicab," "cab,"  "coach,"  "for-hire
      vehicle,"  "livery," "limousine," "commuter van service," "van service,"
      "commuter van," "van" or other designation of similar import unless  the
      vehicle  is  licensed as a taxicab, coach, for-hire vehicle, or commuter
      van, as appropriate, and the driver has an appropriate driver's  license
      under  this  chapter,  and  in  the case of a commuter van service, such
      person has an authorization to operate a commuter van service, nor shall
      any person advertise or hold himself or herself out as doing business as
      a taxi, taxicab, hack or coach service unless he or she holds a  vehicle
      license  and  medallion  for  each  vehicle used therefor, nor shall any
      person advertise or hold himself or herself out as doing business  as  a
      "limousine  service," "livery service," a "for-hire vehicle service," or
      other similar designation unless a for-hire vehicle license is in effect
      for each vehicle used therefor, nor shall any person advertise  or  hold
      himself  or  herself  out as doing business as a "commuter van service,"
      "van service," "commuter van," "van" or  other  designation  of  similar
      import  unless  such  person  is  authorized  to  operate a commuter van
      service and a commuter van license is in effect for  each  vehicle  used
      therefor  as required by this chapter, nor shall any person advertise or
      hold himself or herself out as doing business as a wheelchair accessible
      van service or other similar designation unless a wheelchair  accessible
      van license is in effect for each vehicle used therefor.
        (2)  Any  person required to obtain a license under this chapter shall
      conspicuously state in all print and broadcast advertising, with respect
      to such licensed activity, the  vehicle  license  number  and  that  the
      activity  is  licensed  by  the  commission;  provided, however, that as
      applied to the owner of a for-hire vehicle base station,  or  wheelchair
      accessible  van base station, such license number shall be the number of
      the license issued to such base  station;  provided  further,  that  the
      requirement  of  this  subdivision  respecting  the  display  of vehicle
      license numbers in print and broadcast advertising shall  not  apply  to
      any  owner of five or more taxicabs. No person who is required to obtain
      authorization to operate a commuter van service under this chapter shall
      advertise  in  print  or  in  a  broadcast medium the activity for which
      authorization  is  required  without  conspicuously  stating   in   such
      advertising  the  commuter van service authorization number and that the
      activity is licensed by the commission.
        d. Any person, other than a person holding a driver's  license  issued
      pursuant  to  section  19-505  and  a  New York state class A, B, C or E
      license, neither of  which  is  revoked  or  suspended,  who  drives  or
      operates  for hire a licensed vehicle in the city except a commuter van,
      shall be guilty of a  violation  hereof,  and  upon  conviction  in  the
      criminal court, shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred
      dollars  nor  more  than five hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term
      not exceeding thirty days, or both such fine and imprisonment.
        e. As an alternative to the penalties provided for  the  violation  of
      subdivisions  b,  c  and d of this section, any person who shall violate
      any of the provisions of such subdivisions shall be liable for  a  civil
      penalty  of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thousand
      five hundred dollars for each violation. A proceeding to impose  such  a
      civil  penalty  or  a  civil penalty prescribed in subdivision f of this
      section shall be commenced by the  service  of  a  notice  of  violation
      returnable  before  the  commission or an administrative tribunal of the
      commission. The commission or such tribunal, after a hearing as provided
      by the rules of the commission, shall have  the  power  to  enforce  its
      decisions and orders imposing such civil penalties as if they were money
      judgments  pursuant  to  subdivision  c  of  section  two thousand three
      hundred three of the charter.
        f. As an alternative to the penalties provided for  the  violation  of
      subdivision c of this section, the commission, after notice and hearing,
      shall  be  authorized  to  impose  the  civil penalties provided in this
      subdivision upon any person found to have advertised in print  or  in  a
      broadcast  medium  in  violation of such subdivision, provided, however,
      that such civil penalties may be imposed only when such person  was  not
      licensed by the commission at the time of such violation. Such penalties
      shall  be levied for each broadcast in violation of such subdivision and
      shall be not less than one hundred dollars nor more  than  five  hundred
      fifty  dollars  for  each  such  broadcast.  Such  penalties for printed
      advertisements shall  be  levied  for  each  publication  and  shall  be
      determined  based  on  the  period  of time the publication in which the
      advertisement appears remains  current.  The  current  period  shall  be
      determined as that time when a publication is initially offered for sale
      or  distribution  until  the  period  when the next dated publication is
      offered for sale or distribution. In no case shall this period  be  less
      than twenty-four hours. If the current period is:
        daily,  such  penalty  shall  be not less than one hundred dollars nor
      more than five hundred dollars per day;
        weekly, such penalty shall be not less than two hundred fifty  dollars
      nor more than seven hundred fifty dollars;
        greater  than one week and not more than one month, such penalty shall
      be not less than seven hundred fifty dollars nor more than one  thousand
      dollars; and
        greater  than  one  month,  such  penalty  shall  be not less than one
      thousand dollars nor more than two thousand dollars.
        g. The commission shall undertake a public awareness campaign advising
      the public to patronize only licensed  taxicabs  and  for-hire  vehicles
      and, when selecting a taxicab or for-hire vehicle from an advertisement,
      to look for the commission license number in any such advertisement.
        h.  (1)  Any  officer  or employee of the commission designated by the
      chairperson of the commission and  any  police  officer  may  seize  any
      vehicle  which  he  or  she has probable cause to believe is operated or
      offered to be operated without an appropriate vehicle license  for  such
      operation in violation of subdivision b or c of this section. Therefore,
      either the commission or an administrative tribunal of the commission at
      a proceeding commenced in accordance with subdivision e of this section,
      or  the  criminal  court,  as  provided in this section, shall determine
      whether a vehicle seized pursuant to this subdivision  was  operated  or
      offered  to  be  operated  in  violation of either such subdivision. The
      commission shall have the power to promulgate regulations concerning the
      seizure and release of vehicles and may provide in such regulations  for
      reasonable fees for the removal and storage of such vehicles. Unless the
      charge  of violating subdivision b or c of this section is dismissed, no
      vehicle seized pursuant to this subdivision shall be released until  all
      fees  for  removal  and storage and the applicable fine or civil penalty
      have been paid  or  a  bond  has  been  posted  in  a  form  and  amount
      satisfactory  to  the  commission,  except  as is otherwise provided for
      vehicles subject  to  forfeiture  pursuant  to  paragraph  two  of  this
        (2)  In  addition  to any other penalties provided in this section, if
      the owner is convicted in the criminal court  of,  or  found  liable  in
      accordance with subdivision e of this section for, a violation of either
      subdivision  b or c of this section three or more times, and all of such
      violations were committed on or after the effective date of this section
      and within a thirty-six month period, the interest of such owner in  any
      vehicle used in the commission of any such third or subsequent violation
      shall  be  subject to forfeiture upon notice and judicial determination.
      Notice of the institution of  the  forfeiture  proceeding  shall  be  in
      accordance with the provisions of the civil practice law and rules.
        (3)  Except as hereinafter provided, the city agency having custody of
      a vehicle after judicial determination of forfeiture, shall,  no  sooner
      than  thirty days after such determination and upon a notice of at least
      five days, sell such forfeited vehicle at public sale. Any person, other
      than an owner whose interest is forfeited pursuant to this section,  who
      establishes  a  right  of  ownership  in  a  vehicle,  including  a part
      ownership or security interest, shall be  entitle  to  delivery  of  the
      vehicle if such person;
        (A)  redeems the ownership interest which was subject to forfeiture by
      payment to the city of the value thereof;
        (B) pays the reasonable expenses of the  safekeeping  of  the  vehicle
      between the time of seizure and such redemption; and
        (C)  either  (i) asserts a claim in the forfeiture proceeding, or (ii)
      submits a claim in writing to the commission within  thirty  days  after
      judicial determination of forfeiture.
        (4)   Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  paragraph  three  of  this
      subdivision, establishment of a right of ownership shall not  entitle  a
      person  to  delivery  of  a  vehicle  if  the  city  establishes  in the
      forfeiture proceeding or in a separate administrative adjudication of  a
      claim  asserted  pursuant  to  subparagraph C of paragraph three of this
      subdivision that the violations of subdivision b or c  of  this  section
      upon  which  the  forfeiture  is  predicated were expressly or impliedly
      permitted by such person. The  commission  shall  promulgate  rules  and
      regulations  setting  forth  the  procedure  for  such an administrative
      adjudication, which shall include provision for a hearing.
        (5) For purposes of this subdivision, the term "owner" shall  mean  an
      owner  as defined in section one hundred twenty-eight and in subdivision
      three of section three hundred eighty-eight of the vehicle  and  traffic
        (6)  The provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to the seizure
      and forfeiture of commuter vans which  shall  be  governed  by  sections
      19-529.2 and 19-529.3 of this chapter.
        i. (1) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of this chapter, any
      person   who  violates  any  provision  of  this  chapter  or  any  rule
      promulgated hereunder applicable to commuter van services, commuter vans
      or drivers of commuter vans shall be subject to a civil  penalty  in  an
      amount  to  be  prescribed  by  the  commission  by  rule  for  specific
      violations which amount shall not exceed  one  thousand  dollars  for  a
      first  violation  and  twenty-five  hundred  dollars  for  a  second and
      subsequent violation committed within two years of  a  first  violation.
      Where  such  violation  involves the operation of a commuter van service
      without the authorization required by this chapter, the operation  of  a
      commuter  van  without  the  license  required  by  this  chapter or the
      operation of a commuter van that is not pursuant  to  a  current,  valid
      authorization  to  operate  a commuter van service, such person shall be
      liable for a civil penalty of not less than five hundred dollars and not
      more than one thousand dollars, and for a subsequent violation committed
      within two years of the first violation, such person shall be liable for
      a civil penalty of not less than one thousand dollars and not more  than
      twenty-five hundred dollars.
        (2)  A  proceeding  to impose such civil penalty shall be commenced by
      the service of a notice of violation returnable before the commission or
      an administrative tribunal of the commission. Such civil penalties shall
      be imposed  after  a  hearing  in  accordance  with  the  rules  of  the
        (3)   Except   as   otherwise  provided  in  paragraph  four  of  this
      subdivision, civil penalties imposed by the commission or such  tribunal
      may  be  recovered  by  the corporation counsel in a civil action in any
      court of competent jurisdiction.
        (4) Decisions and orders of the commission or such  tribunal  imposing
      civil penalties for violations relating to the operation of commuter van
      service  without  authorization and the operation of unlicensed commuter
      vans and unlicensed drivers of commuter vans may be entered and enforced
      as if they were money judgments of a court pursuant to subdivision c  of
      section two thousand three hundred three of the charter.
        (5)  Notices  of  violation  which are returnable to the commission or
      such tribunal may be served by any officers or employees  designated  by
      the  commission,  any  police  officer  or  any  authorized  officers or
      employees of the department of  transportation  or  the  New  York  city
      transit authority.
        j.  Where  the  commission or administrative tribunal thereof finds an
      owner liable for operating a  vehicle  as  a  commuter  van  without  an
      authorization  to  operate  a commuter van service or without a commuter
      van license, the commission shall notify the New York state commissioner
      of motor vehicles pursuant  to  subparagraph  four  of  paragraph  a  of
      subdivision  five of section eighty of the New York state transportation
      law of such finding. Upon such notification, the commissioner  of  motor
      vehicles,  pursuant  to  such subparagraph four, shall thereupon suspend
      the registration of such vehicle and shall deny any application for  the
      registration  of such vehicle or any application for the renewal thereof
      pursuant to subdivision five-a  of  section  four  hundred  one  of  the
      vehicle  and  traffic  law  until  such  time as the commission may give
      notice that the  violation  has  been  corrected  to  its  satisfaction.
      Operation  of  any  motor  vehicle  for  which the registration has been
      suspended as herein provided shall constitute a class A misdemeanor. The
      commission shall also notify the department of finance where it finds an
      owner liable for operating a  vehicle  as  a  commuter  van  without  an
      authorization  to  operate  a commuter van service or without a commuter
      van license.