Section 19-504. General provisions for licensing of vehicles  

Latest version.
  • a. (1) A
      taxi-cab, coach, wheelchair accessible van,  commuter  van  or  for-hire
      vehicle  shall  operate  within  the  city of New York only if the owner
      shall  first  have  obtained  from  the  commission  a  taxicab,  coach,
      wheelchair  accessible van, commuter van or for-hire vehicle license for
      such vehicle and only while such license is in full  force  and  effect.
      Vehicle  licenses  shall  be  issued for a term of not less than one nor
      more than two years and shall expire  on  the  date  set  forth  on  the
      license  unless  sooner suspended or revoked by the commission. No motor
      vehicle other than a duly licensed taxicab shall be permitted to  accept
      hails  from  passengers in the street. No commuter van shall be operated
      within the city of New York unless it is operated as part of a  current,
      valid authorization to operate a commuter van service duly issued by the
      commission pursuant to section 19-504.2 of this chapter.
        (2)  No  commuter  van  license  shall  be issued unless the following
      conditions are satisfied:
        (i) such commuter van is to be operated as part of  a  current,  valid
      authorization  to  operate  a  commuter  van  service issued pursuant to
      section 19-504.2 of this chapter;
        (ii) the commission determines that the applicant is fit, willing  and
      able to operate a commuter van;
        (iii)  the  applicant  is in compliance with the provisions of section
      19-504.3 of this chapter, and the  applicant  has  not  engaged  in  any
      conduct  that  would  be  a  basis  for suspension or revocation of such
      license pursuant to rules promulgated by the commission; and
        (iv) the applicant has satisfied such other criteria as the commission
      deems to be in the interest of the safety and convenience of the  public
      and necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter.
        b.  The  license fee for each taxi-cab and coach shall be five hundred
      fifty dollars annually. The license fee for each  wheelchair  accessible
      van  and each for-hire vehicle shall be two hundred seventy-five dollars
      annually. If a license is granted for a period other than one year,  the
      fee  shall  be prorated accordingly. There shall be an additional fee of
      twenty-five dollars for late filing of a wheelchair  accessible  van  or
      for-hire  vehicle  license  renewal  application  where  such  filing is
      permitted by the commission.
        c. In the  event  of  the  loss,  mutilation  or  destruction  of  any
      medallion  or  vehicle license issued hereunder, the owner may file such
      statement and proof of the facts as the commission may require,  with  a
      fee  of  twenty-five  dollars,  at  the office of the commission and the
      commission shall issue a duplicate or substitute medallion or license.
        d.  Applications  for  vehicle  licenses  shall  be  filed  with   the
      commission  upon  forms  which  shall be provided by the commission. The
      date and time of the receipt of each application shall be noted  by  the
        e.  Any  owner  operating  a  vehicle  under  a  license issued by the
      commission, or by the New York  city  police  department  prior  to  the
      effective  date of this chapter, shall be entitled to renew such license
      as a matter of right upon compliance with all the  other  provisions  of
      this section relating to the licensee's vehicle.
        f.  All  taxicabs now or hereafter licensed pursuant to the provisions
      of this chapter shall be inspected at an inspection facility operated by
      the commission at least once every four months,  in  accordance  with  a
      procedure to be established by the commission. All other vehicles now or
      hereafter licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter other than
      commuter  vans  shall  be  inspected  at  official  inspection  stations
      licensed by the commissioner of motor vehicles pursuant to section three
      hundred three of the vehicle and traffic law at least  once  every  four
      months  in  accordance with the regulations of the commissioner of motor
      vehicles, codified in part seventy-nine of title fifteen of the official
      compilation of codes, rules and regulations of the state of New York (15
      N.Y.C.R.R.  part  79).  All  commuter  vans  now  or  hereafter licensed
      pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be inspected and  shall
      meet  safety  standards as provided in paragraph two of subdivision a of
      section 19-504.3 of this chapter. The fee payable to the commission  for
      the  inspection required for the issuance of a certificate of inspection
      for a taxicab, inclusive of the issuance of such certificate, shall  not
      exceed  thirty-five dollars for taxicabs inspected through June 30, 1991
      and fifty dollars for taxicabs inspected on or after July  1,  1991.  If
      any  taxicab  fails to pass such inspection, it shall be reinspected for
      no additional fee. If any taxicab fails to pass  such  reinspection,  it
      shall  be reinspected a second time for an additional fee of thirty-five
      dollars. If any taxicab fails to pass such second reinspection, it shall
      be reinspected a third time. No additional  fee  shall  be  charged  for
      third  or  subsequent  reinspections.  The  fees payable to the official
      inspection station for the inspection and the issuance of a  certificate
      of  inspection  for all other licensed vehicles other than commuter vans
      shall be the fees  charged  and  collected  pursuant  to  section  three
      hundred five of the vehicle and traffic law. The commission or any other
      agency  authorized  by law may conduct on-street inspections of vehicles
      licensed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.  The  date  of  the
      inspection  of  a  taxicab  and  the signature of the persons making the
      inspection shall be recorded upon the rate card in  the  space  provided
      therefor.  An  owner  shall  be  ordered  by the commission to repair or
      replace his or her licensed vehicle where it appears that it  no  longer
      meets  the  reasonable  standards  for  safe operation prescribed by the
      commission. Upon failure of such  owner  to  have  his  or  her  vehicle
      inspected or to comply with any such order within ten days after service
      thereof,  the  license shall be suspended; upon failure of such owner to
      comply with any such order within one hundred twenty days after  service
      thereof, the license may, at the discretion of the commission, be deemed
      to have been abandoned by nonuser.
        g.  The commission shall revoke any license for nonuse in the event it
      shall determine that  the  vehicle  has  not  been  operated  for  sixty
      consecutive  days,  provided that such failure to operate shall not have
      been caused by strike, riot, war or other public  catastrophe  or  other
      act  beyond the control of the owner; or in the event the owner has sold
      his or her vehicle and has failed to  replace  the  vehicle  within  one
      hundred  and  twenty  days  from the date of sale. However, in the event
      that  it  is  shown  to  the  commission  by  competent  proof  that  an
      owner-driver has been disabled through illness, his or her license shall
      not be revoked because of such nonuse as provided in this subdivision.
        h.  A  medallion  or  license  may  be transferred from one vehicle to
      another, subject to the approval of the commission and upon  payment  of
      such  fee  as  the  commission  shall  require,  but not to exceed fifty
      dollars. A vehicle licensee may change the  base  communications  system
      with  which  it is affiliated, subject to the approval of the commission
      and upon payment of such fee as the commission shall require, but not to
      exceed fifty dollars.
        i. The ratio of the number of taxicab licenses, as determined  by  the
      total number of taxicab licenses held by owners of more than one taxicab
      license  and  the total number of taxicab licenses held by the owners of
      one taxicab license, shall remain the same as it exists at the  time  of
      the enactment of this section unless or until changed by local law.
        j.  The  commission  shall  replace  the  medallion  for every taxicab
      license which is renewed pursuant to this section once every two  years,
      or  more  frequently at the discretion of the commission. The commission
      may charge a  fee  not  to  exceed  ten  dollars  for  each  replacement
        k.  The  commission may charge a fee not to exceed twenty-five dollars
      per vehicle for the replacement of license plates issued by the New York
      state department of motor vehicles.
        l. Prior to the issuance of a  commuter  van  license,  the  applicant
      shall  be  fingerprinted  for  the  purpose of securing criminal history
      records from the  state  division  of  criminal  justice  services.  The
      applicant shall pay any processing fee required by the state division of
      criminal justice services. Fingerprints shall be taken of the individual
      owner if the applicant is a sole proprietorship; the general partners if
      the   applicant   is   a  partnership;  the  officers,  principals,  and
      stockholders owning more than ten percent of the  outstanding  stock  of
      the corporation if the applicant is a corporation.
        m.  The  commission  shall  approve or disapprove an application for a
      commuter van license within  one  hundred  and  eighty  days  after  the
      completed  application  is  filed.  The failure to approve or disapprove
      such  completed  application  within  such  time  shall  be   deemed   a
      disapproval of such application.
        n.  Every  commuter  van license shall be issued on the condition that
      the applicant is in  compliance  with  the  registration  and  insurance
      requirements set forth in section 19-504.3 of this chapter and any rules
      promulgated  pursuant  thereto  during  the time that such license is in
      effect. Notwithstanding any other  provision  of  law,  the  failure  to
      comply  with  either  such  registration or insurance requirements shall
      render the commuter van license suspended on and after the date of  such
      noncompliance  and  during  the  period  of  such noncompliance, and any
      person using such commuter van in the course of operations of a commuter
      van service during such period of noncompliance shall be  deemed  to  be
      operating without a license required by this section.
        o.  The  annual license fee for each commuter van license shall be two
      hundred seventy-five dollars. Commencing two years  after  the  date  of
      enactment  of  the  local  law  that  added this subdivision, the annual
      license fee for each commuter van  shall  be  an  amount  equal  to  the
      license  fee  for  a for-hire vehicle set forth in subdivision b of this
      section, as it may be amended. The license fee shall be prorated to  the
      term of the license.
        p. A commuter van license shall not be transferable or assignable.