Section 19-180*2. Performance indicators  

Latest version.
  • a. For the purposes of this section,
      the following terms shall be defined as follows:
        1.  "Bicycle  screen  lines"  shall  mean locations where bicycles are
      ridden, including but not limited  to  greenways,  roadways  and  bridge
        2.  "Borough  screen  lines" shall mean locations where roadways cross
      between boroughs.
        3. "City screen lines" shall mean locations where roadways  enter  the
        4.   "High   performance   modes"   shall   mean  a  form  of  surface
      transportation  other  than  automobiles,  including   buses,   ferries,
      bicycling and walking, that more efficiently uses roadways and waterways
      to move people.
        5. "Key corridors" shall mean major arterial roadways where changes in
      street operations, such as lane reapportionments, lane reconfigurations,
      significant  adjustments  in traffic and parking regulations and changes
      in traffic signal timing have been completed, are being  implemented  or
      are being studied.
        b.  The  department  shall  develop and monitor performance indicators
      that will assist in assessing and reducing  the  amount  of  traffic  on
      transportation   infrastructure   and  promote  high  performance  modes
      citywide and within each borough. Such indicators shall include:
        1. vehicle volume data at city screen lines, borough screen lines  and
      river crossings.
        2. vehicle volume data and other data where appropriate, including but
      not  limited  to  vehicle  speed,  bus  speed and ridership, pedestrian,
      bicycle and crash data, on key corridors.
        3. vehicle speed data to  be  determined  utilizing  available  global
      positioning systems data.
        4. bicycle volume data based on bicycle screen lines.
        5.  ferry  volume  data  based  upon  information  on  ridership  from
      city-operated and private ferry services.
        c. The performance indicators developed pursuant to this section shall
      be measured and reported citywide and by borough by the  department  and
      submitted  in  a written report to the council and the mayor by November
      1st  of  each  following  calendar  year.  Where  such  report  provides
      information  for  a  key corridor, such report shall provide performance
      indicators before and after construction or project implementation. Such
      report shall include information  for  each  indicator  from  the  prior
      calendar  year  and  shall  describe  departmental assessments about the
      projects where appropriate.
        d. All reports required to be submitted pursuant to subdivision  c  of
      this  section  shall  be  made  available  on  the department's official
      website within seven days of each such submission.
        * NB There are 2 §19-180's