Section 17-513. Rules and report  

Latest version.
  • a.  The  commissioner  shall  promulgate  rules in accordance with the
      provisions contained in this chapter, and such other  rules  as  may  be
      necessary   for  the  purpose  of  implementing  and  carrying  out  the
      provisions of this chapter.
        b. The commissioner of the department of buildings in conjunction with
      the commissioner of the  department  of  environmental  protection,  the
      commissioner  of  the  fire  department and the commissioner shall study
      methods of and, if  deemed  appropriate,  develop  recommendations  with
      respect  to  preventing, to the greatest extent practicable, second-hand
      smoke from drifting or recirculating  from  restaurant  bars  to  indoor
      smoke-free  areas  of  restaurants. The study and any recommendations of
      such  commissioners  shall  include,  but  not  be   limited   to,   the
      advisability  of requiring restaurant bars to construct or implement any
      of the following:
        1. Separate smoking rooms.
        2. Enclosed rooms.
        3. Ventilation systems.
        4. Separation of restaurant bar from indoor smoke-free areas by  means
      of a partition.
        5.  Spatial  separation of restaurant bar from indoor smoke-free areas
      by a specific distance.
        In determining the advisability of requiring that certain  protections
      from second-hand smoke be provided in restaurant bars, the commissioners
      shall  consider  any  applicable  standards  or  recommendations  of the
      American  Society  of  Heating,   Refrigerating   and   Air-Conditioning
      Engineers,  any  applicable  standards  or recommendations of the United
      States environmental protection agency and the occupational  safety  and
      health  administration  of  the  United  States department of labor with
      respect to indoor air quality relating to second-hand smoke, the  impact
      on  public health of exposure to second-hand smoke and any other factors
      which such  commissioners  deem  appropriate.  Such  commissioner  shall
      report  to  the  council by January 1, 1996 regarding the results of the
      study required pursuant to this subdivision and any recommendations.