Section 17-508. Violations and penalties  

Latest version.
  • a.  It shall be unlawful for any person who owns, manages, operates or
      otherwise controls the use of premises in which smoking is prohibited or
      restricted pursuant to this chapter, or the designated agent thereof, to
      (i) provide a room designated for smoking including, but not limited to,
      a separate smoking room or an enclosed room, which fails to comply  with
      the  provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that the obligations
      of an owner or building manager of  a  building  (where  such  owner  or
      building manager of a building in which a public place is located is not
      the  operator  or  employer of such public place) with respect to such a
      room shall be limited to work authorized by  any  permits  necessary  to
      perform  construction  obtained  by  the owner or his or her agent; (ii)
      fail to post the signs required by section 17-506; (iii) fail to  remove
      ashtrays as required by subdivision d of section 17-506; or (iv) fail to
      make  a  good  faith  effort  to  comply with subdivisions c, d and e of
      section 17-507. In actions brought for violations of  this  subdivision,
      the  following  shall  be  affirmative  defenses:  (i)  that  during the
      relevant time period actual control of the premises was not exercised by
      the respondent or a person under the  control  of  the  respondent,  but
      rather  by  a  lessee, sublessee or any other person; provided, however,
      that after receiving the notice of violation, the respondent submits  to
      the  department  within  five  business days, by certified mail, a sworn
      affidavit and other such proof as may be necessary, indicating  that  he
      or she has not exercised actual control during the relevant time period;
      (ii)  that  a  person  smoking  in  any area where smoking is prohibited
      pursuant to section 17-503 was informed by a person who  owns,  manages,
      operates  or  otherwise  controls  the  use  of  such  premises,  or the
      designated agent thereof, that such person smoking is  in  violation  of
      this  local  law  and  that  such  person who owns, manages, operates or
      otherwise controls the use  of  such  premises  has  complied  with  all
      applicable  provisions  of this chapter during the relevant time period;
      provided,  however,  that  after  receiving  notice  of  violation,  the
      respondent  submits  to  the  department  within  five business days, by
      certified mail, a sworn  affidavit  and  other  such  proof  as  may  be
      necessary, indicating that respondent informed the person smoking in any
      area  where  smoking  is prohibited pursuant to section 17-503 that such
      person was in violation of  this  local  law  and  that  respondent  has
      complied  with  all  applicable  provisions  of  this chapter during the
      relevant time period; or (iii) that a person smoking in  any  restricted
      common  indoor  area  where  smoking  is  prohibited pursuant to section
      17-503 was not informed by the owner or building manager of the premises
      (where such owner or building manager of a building in  which  a  public
      place  or  a  place  of  employment  is  located  is not the operator or
      employer of such public place or place of employment) or by the operator
      of a multiple dwelling containing ten or more dwelling units  that  such
      person  smoking  is  in  violation of this local law because such owner,
      building manager or operator did not have a  designated  agent  on  duty
      when  such  person  was  smoking and that such owner or building manager
      has, where applicable, complied with the mailing of  a  notice  required
      pursuant  to  subdivision  e  of section 17-507; provided, however, that
      after receiving notice of  violation,  the  respondent  submits  to  the
      department  within  five  business  days,  by  certified  mail,  a sworn
      affidavit and other such proof as may be necessary,  indicating  that  a
      person  smoking  in  any  restricted common indoor area where smoking is
      prohibited pursuant to section 17-503 was not informed by the respondent
      that such person smoking is in violation of this local law  because  the
      respondent  did not have a designated agent on duty when such person was
      smoking and that the respondent has, where applicable, mailed the notice
      required pursuant to subdivision e of section 17-507.
        b.  It  shall be unlawful for an employer whose place of employment is
      subject to regulation under section 17-504 to fail to  comply  with  the
      provisions  of  that  section,  including,  but  not  limited  to, those
      provisions requiring the  adoption,  implementation,  dissemination  and
      maintenance   of   a  written  smoking  policy  which  conforms  to  the
      requirements of subdivision e of section 17-504, or to fail  to  make  a
      good  faith  effort  to  comply with subdivision c of section 17-507. In
      actions brought for violations of  this  subdivision,  it  shall  be  an
      affirmative defense that the employer (i) has made good faith efforts to
      insure that employees comply with the provisions of such written smoking
      policy  and  (ii)  has  complied  with all applicable provisions of this
        d. It shall be unlawful for any person to  smoke  in  any  area  where
      smoking is prohibited under section 17-503 and section 17-504.
        e.  Every  person  who  violates  subdivisions  a or b of this section
      shall, for a first violation thereof, be liable for a civil  penalty  of
      not  less  than  two hundred dollars nor more than four hundred dollars;
      for a second violation, both of which were committed within a period  of
      twelve  months,  be  liable  for  a  civil penalty of not less than five
      hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars; and for a  third  or
      subsequent  violation,  all  of  which were committed within a period of
      twelve months, be liable for a  civil  penalty  of  not  less  than  one
      thousand  dollars  nor  more than two thousand dollars. Every person who
      violates subdivision d of this section  shall  be  liable  for  a  civil
      penalty of one hundred dollars for each violation.
        f.  A  proceeding  to recover any civil penalty authorized pursuant to
      the provisions of subdivision e of this section shall  be  commenced  by
      the  service  of  a notice of violation which shall be returnable to the
      administrative tribunal established by the board of health. The board of
      health's administrative tribunal shall have  the  power  to  impose  the
      civil penalties prescribed by subdivision e of this section.
        g.  Whenever  a  notice  of  violation  of  subdivision a or b of this
      section is served by a person with power to enforce  the  provisions  of
      this  chapter  pursuant  to subdivision a of section 17-507, such notice
      shall, where applicable, include an order which requires the  respondent
      to  correct  the  condition  constituting  the  violation  and to file a
      certification with the department that the condition has been corrected.
      Such order shall require that the condition be corrected within ten days
      from the date that the order is issued and  that  certification  of  the
      correction of the condition be filed with the department in a manner and
      form  and  within  such  further  period  of  time  to  be determined in
      accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the commissioner.
        h. If the administrative tribunal established by the board  of  health
      finds,  upon  good  cause  shown, that the respondent cannot correct the
      violation specified in subdivision g of this section,  it  may  postpone
      the period for compliance with such order upon such terms and conditions
      and  for  such  period  of  time  as  shall  be  appropriate  under  the
        i. In any proceeding before the administrative tribunal established by
      the board of health, if the tribunal finds that the department or  other
      agency issuing the notice of violation has failed to prove the violation
      charged,  it  shall  notify  the  department or other agency issuing the
      notice of violation, and the order requiring the respondent  to  correct
      the condition constituting the violation shall be deemed to be revoked.
        j.  When  the  owner  or  operator  of  a  bar has been found to be in
      violation of subparagraph c of paragraph  twenty  of  subdivision  a  of
      section  17-503  on  two  or  more occasions on the basis of one or more
      employees being in a separate smoking room at times not permitted  under
      this  chapter,  the  tribunal  shall  revoke  the right of such owner or
      operator to maintain a separate smoking room in such bar.
        k.  The penalties provided by this section shall be in addition to any
      other penalty imposed by  any  other  provision  of  law  or  regulation