Section 17-506. Posting of signs; prohibition of ashtrays  

Latest version.
  • a.  Except  as  may  otherwise be provided by rules promulgated by the
      commissioner, "Smoking" or "No  Smoking"  signs,  or  the  international
      symbols  indicating  the  same,  and any other signs necessary to comply
      with  the  provisions  of  this  chapter  shall   be   prominently   and
      conspicuously  posted  where  smoking is either prohibited, permitted or
      otherwise regulated by this chapter, by the owner, operator, manager  or
      other  person  having control of such area. The size, style and location
      of such signs shall be determined in accordance with  rules  promulgated
      by  the  commissioner,  but in promulgating such rules, the commissioner
      shall take into consideration the  concerns  of  the  various  types  of
      establishments  regulated herein with respect to the style and design of
      such signs.
        b. In addition to the posting of signs as provided in  subdivision  a,
      every  owner,  manager  or  operator  of a theatre which exhibits motion
      pictures to the public shall show upon the  screen  for  at  least  five
      seconds prior to the showing of each feature motion picture, information
      indicating that smoking is prohibited within the premises.
        c.  The owner, operator or manager of a hotel or motel that chooses to
      develop and implement a smoking policy for rooms rented to guests  shall
      post  a  notice  at  the  reception  area of the establishment as to the
      availability, upon request, of smoke-free rooms.
        d. Ashtrays are prohibited in all smoke-free  areas  covered  by  this
      chapter  except  (i)  ashtrays  offered for sale or (ii) ashtrays placed
      immediately adjacent  to  hotel  and  motel  elevators  and  immediately
      adjacent  to  public  entrances to hotels and motels, provided that such
      ashtrays are positioned so that second-hand smoke  emanating  from  such
      ashtrays  will  not  ordinarily  activate  smoke  detectors and provided
      further that "No Smoking" signs as set forth in subdivision  a  of  this
      section and in any rules promulgated by the commissioner shall be posted
      immediately adjacent to such ashtrays.