Section 17-110. Sale and exchange of lymph and antitoxin  

Latest version.
  • a. The department
      may authorize the sale at reasonable rates to be fixed by it, of surplus
      vaccine lymph,  virus,  diphtheria  antitoxin  and  other  vaccines  and
      antitoxins,  when  the amount collected shall exceed the amount required
      by it in the proper performance of its duties. The avails of such  sales
      shall  be  credited by the department to the general fund of the city of
      New York and  included  in  its  semi-monthly  transmission  of  revenue
      collections to the commissioner of finance of the city of New York.
        b.  The  bureau  of  laboratories of the department may also exchange,
      upon authority and approval of the commissioner, and  upon  the  written
      approval  of  the  mayor, a portion of its laboratory products for other
      and different laboratory products, manufactured by the  laboratories  of
      the United States government and of other cities and laboratories, which
      the department may need for the prevention of the spread of disease.