Section 16-118.1. Citywide Routing System  

Latest version.
  • a. The department shall implement
      a citywide routing system for residential premises for  the  enforcement
      of  subdivision  two of section 16-118 of this code, as such subdivision
      relates to the cleaning of sidewalks, flagging,  curbstones,  airshafts,
      backyards, courts, alleys and roadway areas by owners, lessees, tenants,
      occupants  or persons in charge of any such premises, and for commercial
      premises for the enforcement of such  subdivision  as  such  subdivision
      relates to cleaning of sidewalks, flagging, curbstones and roadway areas
      by  owners,  lessees,  tenants,  occupants  or persons in charge of such
      premises. The  citywide  enforcement  routing  system  shall  limit  the
      issuance of notices of violation, appearance tickets or summonses within
      any  sub-district  of a local service delivery district to predetermined
      periods of a total of no more than two hours  each  day,  provided  that
      each  such  predetermined period shall be one hour. The department shall
      establish  a  citywide  schedule  of  periods  for  issuing  notices  of
      violation,  appearance  tickets  or summonses for commercial premises in
      each district and shall give written  notice  to  the  owners,  lessees,
      tenants,  occupants  or  persons  in  charge  of  such  premises in each
      district of the periods for the district in  which  their  premises  are
      located  by  the  use  of  flyers,  community  meetings  or  such  other
      techniques as the commissioner reasonably determines to be  useful.  The
      two  one-hour  predetermined  periods  for issuing notices of violation,
      appearance tickets or summonses for residential premises shall  be  from
      8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
        b.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions of subdivision a of this section,
      the commissioner may provide an additional predetermined period  of  one
      hour  per  day  during which notices of violation, appearance tickets or
      summonses may by issued in  any  sub-district  within  a  local  service
      delivery  district  upon the commissioner's determination that the total
      of two hours otherwise permitted by this section is  not  sufficient  to
      maintain  the  sidewalks,  flagging,  curbstones  and  roadways  in such
      sub-districts in an adequately clean condition. Such determination shall
      be based upon a finding that there has been a  decline  in  the  average
      street  cleanliness ratings compiled by the mayor's office of operations
      for such district for the most recent three-month period as compared  to
      the average street cleanliness ratings compiled by the mayor's office of
      operations  for  the  same  three-month  period  in fiscal year nineteen
      hundred ninety. Notice of any increase in the  number  of  hours  during
      which  notices  of  violation,  appearance  tickets  or summonses can be
      issued or of any change in such hours shall be given by  letter  to  the
      community  board,  the owners, lessees, tenants, occupants or persons in
      charge of any premises in the  affected  sub-districts  within  a  local
      service  delivery  district  and  every  council member representing the
      local service delivery district no less than forty-five  days  prior  to
      the implementation of such increase or change. Any additional notice may
      be  given  by  use  of letters, flyers, community meetings or such other
      techniques as the  commissioner  reasonably  determines  to  be  useful.
      Written notice to a council member shall be sent to the council member's
      district office.
        c. For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the
      following  meanings: (i) "local service delivery district" means a local
      service delivery district as described  in  chapter  sixty-nine  of  the
      charter  of  the  city  of New York; (ii) "sub-district" means a section
      within a  local  service  delivery  district  as  described  in  chapter
      sixty-nine of the charter of the city of New York; and (iii) "commercial
      premises"  means  any  premises  abutting the sidewalk at which goods or
      services are sold directly to consumers or other businesses, and may, in
      appropriate instances to be determined by the commissioner, also include
      any other class of real property that is used for  the  conduct  of  any
      business,  trade  or  profession;  and (iv) "residential premises" means
      those portions of premises used predominantly for residential  purposes,
      other  than  hotels,  that  abut  the  sidewalk  and  do  not constitute
      commercial premises.
        d. Within fifteen months after the effective date of this section, the
      commissioner shall submit to the mayor and the council a report  on  the
      results  of the citywide enforcement routing system for the twelve month
      period commencing on the first day of the first  full  month  after  the
      effective date of this section.