Section 15-226. Violations; order to remove  

Latest version.
  • In case an order is not complied
      with within the time set forth therein, the commissioner may execute and
      enforce such order with employees and equipment of the department, or by
      the  employment  of  such other agencies as the commissioner may direct.
      Nothing contained in this section, however, shall be held  to  authorize
      the  commissioner  to alter the construction of any building, structure,
      or vessel, or to supply any structural deficiency  in  the  fire  alarm,
      fire   extinguishing,  or  fire  escape  equipment  thereof.  The  party
      offending shall pay the expense of enforcing such order and, in addition
      thereto, shall forfeit and pay  to  the  department  the  sum  of  fifty
      dollars.  Where  the  order  relates  to  the  storage  of  explosive or
      combustible compounds or mixtures, the  party  offending  shall  pay  an
      additional  penalty  of  twenty-five  dollars plus five dollars for each
      day's neglect or refusal to comply with such order.