Section 15-126. Fire alarm telegraph system  

Latest version.
  • a. Protection of. The fire alarm
      telegraph  system shall be operated or used only by the commissioner, or
      the officers and employees of the department charged with its  operation
      or  maintenance  or  authorized  to use it for instruction or drill. Any
      person, however, may freely  operate  the  same  to  communicate  actual
      alarms  of  fire.  It  shall be unlawful for any person to experiment or
      tamper with such system for any purpose whatever, or to have or  possess
      any  key thereof, without the authority of the commissioner. It shall be
      unlawful for any person to post, paint, impress, or in any way affix  to
      any  pole  connected  with the fire alarm telegraph, or any box, wire or
      other appliance  connected  therewith,  any  placard,  sign,  broadside,
      notice,  or  announcement  of any kind; or to cut, mutilate, alter, mar,
      deface, cover, obstruct  or  interfere  with  the  same  in  any  manner
      whatsoever;  or to paint, or cause to be painted, the poles of any other
      telegraph, or any other poles on the lines thereof, in a color or colors
      similar to those of poles  upon  which  are  fire  alarm  boxes,  or  in
      imitation  thereof;  or  to  consent,  allow, or be privy to any of such
      things done for him or her or upon his or her behalf.
        b. Kite-flying. It shall be unlawful for any kite to be flown, raised,
      or put in any street adjacent to the lines of such telegraph, or  to  be
      allowed to become entangled with the wires or apparatus thereof.