Section 107-A. Labeling containers of alcoholic beverages  

Latest version.
  • 1. The liquor
      authority is hereby  authorized  to  promulgate  rules  and  regulations
      governing  the  labeling  and  offering  of alcoholic beverages bottled,
      packaged, sold or possessed for sale within this state.
        2. Such regulations shall be calculated to prohibit deception  of  the
      consumer; to afford him adequate information as to quality and identity;
      and to achieve national uniformity in this field in so far as possible.
        3.  The bottling, packaging, sale or possession by any licensee of any
      alcoholic beverage not labelled  or  offered  in  conformity  with  this
      section  shall  be  ground for suspension, revocation or cancellation of
      the license.
        4. (a)  No  liquor,  wine  or  beer  shall  be  labelled,  offered  or
      advertised  for  sale  unless in accordance with this section and unless
      the brand or trade name label affixed to or imprinted upon the container
      of such alcoholic beverage shall have been registered with and  approved
      by  the  authority  and the appropriate fee paid as provided for in this
        (b) An application for registration of a brand  or  trade  name  label
      shall be filed by (1) the owner of the brand or trade name if such owner
      is licensed by the authority, or (2) a wholesaler selling such brand who
      is  appointed  as exclusive agent, in writing, by the owner of the brand
      or trade name for the purpose of filing such application, if  the  owner
      of  the brand or trade name is not licensed by the authority, or (3) any
      wholesaler, with the approval of the authority, in the  event  that  the
      owner of the brand or trade name does not file or is unable to file such
      application  or  designate  an  agent  for  such  purposes,  or  (4) any
      wholesaler, with the approval of the authority, in the  event  that  the
      owner  of  the  brand or trade name is a retailer who does not file such
      application, provided that the retailer shall consent to such filing  by
      such  wholesaler. Such retailer may revoke his consent at any time, upon
      written notice to the authority and to such wholesaler.
        Unless  otherwise  permitted  or  required  by  the   authority,   the
      application  for  registration  of  a liquor or wine brand or trade name
      label filed pursuant to this section shall be filed by the same licensee
      filing schedules pursuant to section one hundred one-b of this chapter.
        Cordials and wines which differ only as  to  fluid  content,  age,  or
      vintage  year,  as  defined by such regulations, shall be considered the
      same brand; and those that differ as to type or class may be  considered
      the  same  brand  by the authority where consistent with the purposes of
      this section.
        (c) (1) The application for registration of  a  brand  or  trade  name
      label  shall be filed by registered mail, return receipt requested, on a
      form prescribed by the authority, and shall contain such information  as
      the  authority  shall  require. Such application shall be accompanied by
      the appropriate fee prescribed by paragraph (d) of this subdivision.
        (2) Provided, however, where a brand or  trade  name  label  has  been
      approved  by  the  federal  bureau  of alcohol, tobacco and firearms, it
      shall be deemed registered and approved by the authority if:
        (i) the applicant submits on a form prescribed by  the  authority,  by
      registered  mail,  return receipt requested, a true copy of the brand or
      trade name label approval issued  by  the  federal  bureau  of  alcohol,
      tobacco  and  firearms  along with the appropriate fee as established in
      paragraph (d) of this subdivision; and
        (ii) the authority does not deny such application within  thirty  days
      after receipt.
        (3) Provided, however, that where a brand or trade name label for wine
      has  been  approved  by  the  federal  bureau  of  alcohol,  tobacco and
      firearms, it shall be deemed registered and approved  by  the  authority
      and no application, application fee, or annual registration fee shall be
      submitted to the authority.
        (d)  The  annual fee for registration of any brand or trade name label
      for liquor shall be two  hundred  fifty  dollars;  the  annual  fee  for
      registration  of  any  brand  or  trade name label for beer shall be one
      hundred fifty dollars; the annual fee for registration of any  brand  or
      trade  name  label for wine shall be fifty dollars. Such fee shall be in
      the form of a check or draft. No annual  fee  for  registration  of  any
      brand  or  trade  name  label  for wine shall be required if it has been
      approved by the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms pursuant
      to this section.
        Each brand or trade name label registration approved pursuant to  this
      section  shall be valid for a term which shall run concurrently with the
      term of the license of the person registering such brand or  trade  name
        Each  brand or trade name label registration approved pursuant to this
      section shall be valid only for the licensee to whom  issued  and  shall
      not be transferable.
        (e)  If the authority shall deny the application for registration of a
      brand or trade name label pursuant to this section, it shall return  the
      registration  fee  to the applicant, less twenty-five per centum of such
      fee and shall notify the applicant, in writing with the specific reasons
      for its denial.
        (f) When not inconsistent with the purposes of  this  subdivision  and
      whenever  necessary  to  avoid  practical  difficulties  or  unnecessary
      hardship to any licensee affected by this section,  the  authority  may,
      until October first, nineteen hundred sixty-three, exempt any brand from
      the  fee provisions of this subdivision upon satisfactory showing by the
      licensee that such brand is being discontinued. The authority may at any
      time exempt any discontinued brand from  such  fee  provisions  where  a
      manufacturer or wholesaler has an inventory of one hundred cases or less
      of  liquor or wine and five hundred cases or less of beer, and certifies
      to the authority in writing that such brand is being  discontinued.  The
      authority  may  also at any time exempt any discontinued brand from such
      fee provisions where a retailer discontinuing a brand owned by him has a
      balance of an order yet to be delivered of fifty cases or less of liquor
      or wine, or two hundred fifty cases or less of beer.
        (g)  The  authority  shall  exempt  from  such  fee   provisions   the
      registration of each brand label used for beer that is produced in small
      size  batches  on  the  licensed  premises  in  batches totaling fifteen
      hundred barrels of beer or less annually.