Section 11. Appointment of authority  

Latest version.
  • The members of the authority shall be
      appointed  by  the  governor  by  and with the advice and consent of the
      senate. Not more than two members of the authority shall belong  to  the
      same  political  party.    The  chairman of the state alcoholic beverage
      control board heretofore appointed and designated by  the  governor  and
      the remaining members of such board heretofore appointed by the governor
      shall  continue  to serve as chairman and members of the authority until
      the expiration of the respective terms for which  they  were  appointed.
      Upon  the  expiration  of  such  respective terms the successors of such
      chairman and members shall be appointed to serve for  a  term  of  three
      years each and until their successors have been appointed and qualified.